Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Stop Seeing Giants - FIGHT BACK

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The ten spies saw giants in the land of Canaan and consequently discouraged the Israelites who were close to Canaan to do a detour back to Egypt. That decision kept them in the wilderness for a long time until they passed on. Their children alongside the two spies, Joshua and Caleb who had a different perspective were the ones who entered Canaan. Beloved, the issue of perspectives limited some people and cost a nation a lot.

King Saul and the army of Israel who were prepared to battle the Philistines suddenly developed cold feet because a man described as a giant deployed his size and his mouth to intimidate and oppress them for forty days and forty nights. A heavily mobilized army was cowered and immobilized. Fortunately for King Saul and the army of Israel a teenager who was unskilled in the military saw differently. Though Goliath was physically a giant and had an intimidating stature alongside intimidating talk; teenager David, the son of Jesse saw differently. He saw a spiritual grasshopper that God would deliver into his hands. So David challenged Goliath to a fight in order to put an end to forty days of intimidation and mental oppression. In less than ten minutes, the battle was over with Goliath dead and his country men who had hitherto enjoyed the intimidation taking to flight. A different perspective based on David’s relationship with God gave him victory over Goliath. Please read 1st Samuel Chapter 17.

Jacob refused to see the barricades Laban consistently placed in his paths as giants. Rather, Jacob saw them as rough terrains which he could creatively navigate to smooth terrains and progress. This probably explains why he did not get into any arguments and fisticuff with Laban. Creatively and strategically, he navigated every one of them to safe haven. He worked extra years to marry Rachel; creatively grew his own flock. Please read Genesis Chapters

Isaac developed staying power to overcome the challenges of wells seizure, envy and strife from the Philistines. Staying power is an inner quality which makes you commit yourself to the actualization of your dreams. It means to be persistent until you win in spite of the difficulties and challenges around you. It is also the ability to see the glorious future through the obstacles on your path irrespective of how insurmountable they appear. Please read Genesis Chapter 26 and Proverbs Chapter 4 verse 14.

Every dream usually passes through three stages – start stage which is characterized by excitement; stage two which is characterized by challenges and the hard threshold stage, the stages which Isaac named Esek and Sitnah. This is where you need staying power, the distinguishing factor between winners and losers. This is the stage to ask for wisdom – coping skills and staying power. Develop the ability to hold under pressure. Stage 3 is the achievement stage – also known as Rehoboth.

A temporary setback becomes permanent when you do not fight back. Therefore, do not allow temporary setbacks to discourage you. Rather, discourage your discouragement as it is a major tool of the devil and his cohorts; often used to specific accuracy. Refuse to turn back or run away from any of your competition. Keep moving forward; and not in circles, be steadfast, firm and dogged. Face the Goliath and bring him down to a permanent end. Please read Proverbs Chapter 30 verse 30. Keep at it.






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