Wednesday, August 15, 2018

God will Always Provide

                                        Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You cannot separate divine provision from divine guidance. Please see Psalm 23, Isaiah Chapter 48 verse 17, Matthew Chapter 17 verses 24 to 27, Luke Chapter 5 verses 1 to 9, John Chapter 21 verses 1 to 11, 2nd Kings Chapter 4 verses 1 to 7, Psalm 1 verses 1 to 3, Deuteronomy Chapter 28 verses 1 to 13, 15 verses 1 to 6.

The wisdom in accessing abundant and overwhelming divine provision is obedience to God at all times coupled with absolute trust in God that He will always do what is right. It is that absolute trust in God that will make you obey God promptly without asking questions. Please see Proverbs Chapter 3 verses 1 to 5, Psalm 23.

Prompt and willing loving obedience coupled with absolute trust and confidence in God as well as belief in the power of God to do to always do the impossible always guarantees overwhelming abundant divine provision. Hagar in the wilderness – Genesis Chapter 21 verses 14 to 19; Isaac in Gerar Genesis Chapter 26 verses 1 to 33, take note of verses 12 to 14, the Israelites in captivity (Jeremiah Chapter 29 verses 4 to 14, Ezra Chapter 2 verse 68, Genesis Chapters 15 verses 13 to 14, 37; 39 to 48, 50 verses 18 to 26; Exodus Chapters 1 verses 7 to 11, 3 verses 21 to 22, 11 verses 2 to 3, 12 verses 35 to 36, 25 verses 1 to 8, 36 verses 1 to 7 (they continued bringing in gifts for the building of the tabernacle because they had more than enough to give).

Divine provision then is to a very large extent a function of obedience to God and divine instructions. Please see Isaiah Chapter 1 verse 19.

Abraham obeyed God and was divinely supplied with the ram for the sacrifice. Please see Genesis Chapter 22. Isaac sowed in a dry land and progressively became wealthy; in fact so wealthy that the Philistines envied him. The widow of the indebted prophet obeyed God. She could have despised and disobeyed the prophet’s instructions but she obeyed every one of them. She borrowed vessels, shut the door, took the seemingly insignificant jar of oil and began to pour into the many vessels including resulting in addition, multiplication, compounding and geometric increase. She further obeyed the prophet and marketed the products. Definitely, she must have entertained doubts concerning sales yet she sold and had more than enough money to live on.

In Matthew Chapter 17 verses 24 to 27, the Lord Jesus Christ instructed Peter to cast in a hook, take the fish that comes up first irrespective of size and not the anticipated big one which may eat the smaller fish; something every fisher man desires.  Thereafter, Peter should open the mouth of the fish; not any other part of the fish and he would find the money required for the temple tax. Peter obeyed and the temple tax was paid.

The second time Peter had a financial challenge, he was instructed again by Jesus Christ to launch out into the deep; that is move beyond where you are now even if it is not the time of the day for fishing; and when you get into the deep, let down your nets for a catch. Peter, a seasoned fisherman who supposedly knew better than Jesus when it came to fishing obeyed Jesus and the result was a huge catch. Please see Luke Chapter 1 verses 1 to 9. Peter apparently was getting accustomed to receiving instructions from Jesus Christ concerning divine provision yet Peter did not assume that instructions would always be the same. So he paid premium attention to each specific instruction and obeyed accordingly. He cast the net on the right side of the boat the third time Jesus instructed him on his fishing enterprise. The Bible records that they were not able to draw the net in because of the huge catch of fish; specifically one hundred and fifty three fish. This was after another night of fruitless toil.

The miraculous supply of abundant wine at the wedding party in Cana of Galilee was also a result of obedience to divine instructions. Please see John Chapter 2 verses 1 to 11.

Beloved, my prayer is that God will open your ears to hear and you will hear correctly but most importantly, you will not rebel but obey so that your obedience will profit you and humanity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Please see Isaiah Chapters 50 verses 4 to 5 and 48 verse 17.

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