Monday, March 19, 2018

God Heals the Broken Hearted

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Broken heartedness is an ailment that can cause a lot of degeneration in the body and the mind if left untreated. Fortunately, God heals broken heartedness. The case of Hannah the mother of Prophet Samuel best illustrates the instance of perverse tongue and unmet desires culminating in a broken spirit. Please see 1st Samuel Chapter 1 verses 1 to 8, and 15.  Peninah’s perverse use of her tongue on Hannah was designed to make Hannah miserable and to an extent, Peninah succeeded. Hannah was broken hearted as Peninah’s frequent recourse to taunting and mocking Hannah with the fact that Hannah was childless hit a sore point in Hannah. Hannah was so broken hearted that she wept, refused food because her heart was grieved. But one day, Hannah decided to rise above the heartache, the pain and sorrow of childlessness that was usually heightened by Peninah’s taunts and mockery especially in the house of the Lord. Hannah took the bull by the horns and made a deal with God who could help her. Though Peninah made Hannah’s life bitter, Hannah realized that Peninah was not her problem. Hannah’s problem was childlessness which God; the El Shaddai Who said that none would be barren in His house could easily solve. So Hannah ignored and left perverse tongued Peninah to meet with God and make a deal with God. Can you beat that! ‘God, give me a male child to take away the reproach of childlessness and that child is all yours.’ Great bargaining power for a deeply broken hearted woman to whom weeping and hunger strike had become a way of life. Fortunately, God not only heard her words but took note of the terms of the contract. Significantly, Hannah was still broken hearted even while making the deal. Her response to the priest Eli testifies to this. Please see verses 15 to 16 of 1st Samuel Chapter 1.

Beloved, truthfulness accelerates and perfects every healing process. Please see Luke Chapter 8 verses 43 to 48 for details of the woman with the issue of blood who publicly admitted to touching the hem of Jesus’ garment because of the affliction of unceasing blood flow for twelve years. The word of peace came from the Prince of Peace and she was completely whole. The widow of the indebted prophet acknowledged the financial situation of the family and was set free. Hannah’s admission of the grief and sorrow in her heart prompted the Priest Eli to pronounce the blessings of peace and answered prayers on her. Hannah was comforted because the Bible records in verse 18 that she was no longer sad. Joy unspeakable was birthed in her spirit and not quite long, Hannah conceived and bore Samuel, the beginning of unnumbered comforts. How? Hannah kept her own side of the bargain and returned Samuel to God and God who always rewards in multiples gave Hannah additional children – three sons and two daughters. Please see 2nd Samuel Chapter 2 verses 20 to 21. Indeed, a good report always brings healing to the brokenhearted.

What then is a good report? The word of God is always good report that brings joy and happiness to the spirit, soul and body of a human being. Hannah received the word of God with joy. The woman with the issue of blood received the word of God with joy. The widow of the indebted prophet received the word of God with joy, acted on the word and was set free. A number of people in the Bible received the word of God with joy and received healings, deliverances and miracles. At a time when David was overwhelmed, the word of God gave David the strength he required to deal the enemy an offensive. Ziklag, a place where David and his men sheltered in safety from Saul was raided, attacked and burned down by the Amalekites while David and his men were away.  To compound issues, the raiders took along with them the women and children. David’s men were deeply grieved and decided to stone David. That broke David’s heart because these were people who had sided with him against Saul and had worked with David overtime. Yet, they were ready to stone him. But the Bible records that David strengthened himself in the Lord his God and God gave him the word of peace – pursue, overtake and recover all. Please see 1st Samuel Chapter 30 for details. Even when David was overthrown by his son Absalom and betrayed by his trusted friend Ahitophel, David though broken hearted took refuge in God and pleaded with God to overthrow Ahitophel’s counsel.

Beloved, there is no need to stay broken hearted, unhappy, depressed and fed up with life when God’s unceasing flow of healing is available to set you free from the brokenness in your spirit that is crippling your body. How, you may ask? Your dried up bones, contorted and unhappy face reflects in the skinny bones you have become because you no longer care about yourself so you are neglecting your body; you do not eat well, do not rest well, do not exercise, do not laugh, do not associate with people. Beloved, it is time to shake it off. God loves you; cares for you and about you and most importantly has great plans for you. Please see Jeremiah Chapters 29 verse 11; 31 verse 3.

Are you broken hearted, hurting and in need of care, love and acceptance? Turn to Jesus Christ, the Only One Who can heal you and help you blossom and flourish again. Shalom.

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