Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Greatest

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

 He was born in a lowly manger
Announced by angels
Visited and celebrated by wise men from the East
Dedicated in the temple
Recognized by Spirit led Simeon and Anna the prophetess

Baptized by John the Baptist
Tempted by the devil but overcame

Preached and taught kingdom principles
Performed several miracles

Nailed to the cross
Died and resurrected
So that you and I can be saved.
His name is Jesus Christ
The reason for Christmas

Celebrate the Greatest
Love the Greatest
Worship Jesus
As you celebrate Christmas

Thank You Lord 2

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

 Shall I sacrifice a thousand bullocks like Solomon?
They will not be enough
Shall I build You Churches, orphanages and hospitals?
Shall I build You hostels for the homeless?
And forget or even refuse to thank You
They will be worthless pieces of architecture

Shall I be a voice for the voiceless?
Despised, hated and imprisoned?
Give my body to be burnt for the gospel?
Sing like angels, dance all day for You?
Yet, I do not say thank You
Because I believe it is my power?

God, I love You
Appreciate Your extravagant grace in my life
Thank You for Life, salvation, mercies
Forgiveness of sins, Healings
Love, Compassion, mighty deliverances
Promotions, Favor, Honor
I love you, Lord; Thank You

Travel Light

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Focus on God’s plans and purposes for your life. The ability to focus is a grace from God to function in a divine assignment for a season. Do not allow your thoughts to wander. Do not be controlled by other people’s needs as they may give you a different direction from the one you should be headed in. also, and quite critical, please ignore the distractions from the kingdom of darkness through any of his cohorts and agents. Mum is the word. Keep your mouth shut in Jesus mighty name.  No matter what, do not bring the war God has given you victory over in the realm of the spirit into the physical. Avoid quarrels, arguments, etc. Ignore accusations and let God continue to fight for you. Focus on your prayer requests and you have it.

Forgive those who hurt you. Do not hold grudges against anyone. Please see Matthew Chapter 6 verses 12 to 14, Hebrews Chapter 12 verse 2, Matthew Chapter 5 verse 44, Luke Chapter 22 verse 56 to 62, Mark Chapter 16 verse 7, Luke Chapter 23 verse 43, and Romans Chapter 8 verse 28.

Be obedient because obedience brings God’s blessings. Please see Isaiah Chapter 1 verse 19.  Obedience took Ruth from gleaning to ownership of a field. Ruth obeyed Naomi’s instructions and became the wife of Boaz. Please see Ruth Chapter 3 verses 4 to 5. It is better to obey God than run around with sacrifices. King Saul is an example of someone whose obedience was always in question. He lost the throne. Please see 1st Samuel Chapter 15 for details.

Thank You Lord

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

In the midst of the storms
Raging, fierce and even disastrous
You rescued me, saved me and kept me
In Your Hands

As famine ravished the land
And hunger redesigned faces and bodies
You gave abundant provision
That I neither deserved nor earned

Diseases swept across regions
Maimed and killed quite a number
Young and old, strong and wealthy
But you safeguarded and healed me