Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Do not Keep Your Life on Hold 5

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha


Refuse and reject complacency irrespective of the supposedly beautiful package it comes wrapped in. rather, keep moving forward, setting new goals, targets, raising the bars. Just like the Apostle Paul said, do not consider yourself to have attained.

Replace ignorance with knowledge, lack of understanding with understanding, foolishness with wisdom, impatience with patience. Be decisive – expand your knowledge base; access the required information you require to make the quality decisions which will move you beyond abundance to overflowing abundance. Seek the information from relevant sources which are current and timely. Do not work with outdated information which was relevant in the sixties, seventies or nineties but is no longer relevant now because it is outdated.

Embrace and deploy new technologies. They are not rocket science and they are not in the stratosphere. They are within easy reach on planet earth and in your local stores. Acquire one NOW. Also, be tech savvy. Get a smart phone and connect to people you need to connect with to do business, etc. do not be like the man at the pool who was still waiting for a benevolent someone to put him the pool at the stirring of the water. Unknown to him, Jesus had come and he could receive his healing and deliverance without necessarily being put in the pool of water. Jesus, the Creator and Owner of the pool Who hitherto sent and angel to stir the water was already with him and asking to help him. But because the lame man was still living in the past; he did not know Jesus and did not recognize him; he complained that he had no one when he had the Author and Finisher of our faith, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Great and Strong Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Balm of Gilead; the beautiful and sweet Rose of Sharon, the Alpha and the Omega; the beautiful beginning and glorious end with him. What an irony. It took great and extravagant grace to save the lame man. So shall it be unto you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Be open minded in Christ Jesus and embrace the new things God is bringing your way so you can walk in overflowing abundance in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Do not always wait for people to do for you what you can do for yourself. Rather, sit up and do for yourself what has to be done. In essence, move from dependence to independence.

Do not accept negative circumstances as the norm for your life. Request divine intervention over anything that is not of God in your life. Be like blind Bartimaeus who asked Jesus for help and his sight was restored. Emulate the woman with the issue of blood who insisted on a divine encounter with Jesus despite the odds stacked against her. She was made whole, completely healed and delivered from the humiliation, shame and reproach and other limitations of that debilitating ailment. How about the ten lepers who consistently cried out to Jesus Christ for mercy! They were cleansed. Jabez refused to be limited to sorrow and pain. He asked God for divine intervention on his knees, probably in the privacy of his room. Significantly and this is quite instructive; Jabez did not go in search of the prophets of his day. He cried to God and God intervened in his life and enlarged his coast. Therefore, refuse, reject negative circumstances which are not of God in your life.

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