Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Do not Keep Your Life on Hold 4

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Indecisiveness – the inability to take decisions to act because you do not have sufficient information that will help you take informed decisions. Indecisiveness could also be as a result of fear – fear of failure, of the unknown, not meeting up to expectation, fear of existing competition. Whatever the fear is, deal with it.

Accepting negative circumstances as the norm for your life and refusing to do anything about the negative circumstances – for instance the man at the Beautiful Gate in the temple had accepted it as his fate to remain crippled; being carried daily to the temple to beg for daily sustenance as a way of life. That explains why he asked Peter and John for alms. Fortunately, Peter and John did not have nickels to give to him. They had what was greater than nickels to give to him; what would restore and transform his life from being a liability to his people; from being daily dependent on the generosity of other people to being an asset; to be independent financially as he would be physically strengthened to engage in economic activities which would generate income for him.

Peter prophesied divine healing into his life and the man who was lame from birth not only walked but leaped and danced. Peter by the Spirit of God broke through the limitations placed on the man to keep his life on hold as a cripple and a beggar. He could now walk on his own and no longer required the assistance of anyone to mobility to the temple gate to beg – what a great transformation. To God alone be all the glory.

The Gadarene demoniac had also accepted his self-destructive behavior as a way of life. But Jesus had pity on him and broke the chains of darkness which kept the young man’s life on hold as a self-destructive person inflicting pains on his body and soul. Please read Mark Chapter 5.

Taking on the cares of other people without giving a hoot to your survival. For instance, you choose to see other people through school without giving yourself any form of education or vocational training which will help you participate meaningfully in economic activities. You may end up becoming a liability to the same people and if they do not have the mind of Christ, they will resent supporting you. While it is good to help other people; always remember to empower yourself too.

Paying attention to demons for direction, guidance, and instructions for daily living by granting audience to or seeking such information from soothsayers, mediums, fortune tellers, false prophets and lying prophets. Because these people do not have the truth of the word of God in them, because they do not have a relationship with God and therefore do not have the Holy Spirit; they will feed you lies which make you go in circles without making progress in life.; you become confused and in worst case scenarios, you can become insane from the great confusion they will turn your life into with their web lies satanically designed to keep you entangled in the web of lies which usually have no exit doors in sight. However, the mercy of God coupled with the blood of Jesus Christ will create several exit doors for you if only you will surrender your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

King Saul died because he sinned against God by turning to mediums for guidance. Ahab was a victim of false prophets. But for God’s intervention, Jehoshaphat came close to losing his life on account of the false prophets.

Paying attention to; granting audience to and partying with people who love pity parties. They always have tales of woes to tell – and if you make yourself the unfortunate shoulder for them to always cry on; then you will have an endless string of pity parties that will drain you of your God given resources to move your life forward. One of such resources is the precious gift of time which unfortunately you will fitter; consciously and unconsciously listening to their endless tales.  May God open your eyes of understanding and give you the grace and wisdom to navigate your way out of such resource draining relationships.

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