Thursday, April 30, 2020

Ask God to Open Your Eyes

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
Elisha, Gehazi and the Syrian army who besieged Elisha’s house to capture him is an interesting story of God’s protection over His own in the midst of insecurity and attacks by the enemy. Unknown to the Syrian army, God had His ready army awaiting the Syrian army to deal with them. The army of God was also there as a protective force for Elisha and Gehazi. Please read 2nd Kings Chapter 6 verses 8 to 23.

Beloved, do not fear for God is always with you, a very present help in trouble. Please read Psalm 46.
You may not immediately see or perceive His help but if you hold on to Him, He will open your eyes of understanding to His good thoughts and plans for you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Hagar for instance thought that the end had come for her son after their water ran out; significantly so in a desert. She watched helplessly as her son came close to death on account of thirst. Hopeless, she walked some distance away from the child so that she would not see him die. She had given up hope completely – where would she find water in the desert? That was when God opened her eyes to see the well of water around her.

Beloved, this is instructive. No situation is beyond God’s timely intervention and deliverance. God always comes through for His own at the nick of time. He is always right on time and does not fail. He always overwrites the fleshly conclusion and wisdom of humans. As far as Hagar was concerned, it was the end for her son but Hagar was either ignorant or she completely forgot the promise God made to Abraham concerning Ishmael that he would be great and notable on earth. How then would Ishmael die of thirst? Also, unknown to Hagar was the fact that the unseen hand of God led them to that specific spot where there was a ready well of water waiting to meet water needs. Why? God saw what Abraham provided – an insufficient can of water which would run out shortly in a hot dry desert. So He ordered their steps to where there was water. Beloved, God is always good, kind and protective of His own. His words in Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 7 to 10 say it all. His words always accomplish divine purpose. Please read Romans Chapter 3 verse 4.
Some of the disciples of Jesus Christ had given up completely on what next steps to take. As far as they were concerned, they had played the losers match and had lost the losers match in the great tournament of life. Their risen Jesus as it appeared to them then had disappeared from sight and left them all alone in the world. Alone and bereft of Jesus, how were they to face the ever nosey and fault finding religious leaders of their day? But beloved, were the disciples not forgetting something? Did Jesus not promise to send them the Holy Spirit to teach them, direct them, comfort them and strengthen them? Why then the despair displayed in the book of Luke Chapter 24 until Jesus opened their eyes? Please read also Ephesians Chapter 1 verses 17 to 23, and 2nd Corinthians Chapter 3 verses 14 to 18.

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