Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Identify Your Constituency

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You can identify your constituency by the leading of the Holy Spirit. This is to say that the Holy Spirit helps you to identify the people God sends you to. For instance, the prophet Jeremiah was sent to the nations of the world in his generation and significantly, Jeremiah worked within that constituency. Please read Jeremiah Chapter 1 verses 5 to 7. This also implies that God is the One Who defines the constituency which you work in and not necessarily you, your background, your ethnic group, nationality, race, economic power or status, religious affiliation, position in the Church, acceptance in the Church, etc. it is the decision of God and not yours. Therefore, prayerfully identify your constituency by the help of the Holy Spirit.

Once that is done, you will also need to identify the specific needs of your constituency which God in His infinite wisdom has capacitated you to meet. Then explore ways and forms of meeting the needs; again by the Spirit of God because is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God and with God, nothing will be impossible. Please see Luke Chapter 1 verse 35 and Mark Chapter 10 verse 27.

Additionally, the content of the message you are sent to deliver to members of your constituency is very important. This is because your content must be specific and relevant to the needs of your constituency and because God is the only One Who truly knows and understands the needs of each constituency particularly the one He sends you to; the content of your message should be sourced from God so that you can actually impact members of your constituency. This also implies that your message should be what God commands and not what you desire, wish or love to say. Jeremiah was commanded to speak what God would have him say to his constituency. Even when Jeremiah tried to hold in the words of God because the words were not acceptable to the members of his constituency, he could not hold it in. he had to speak what God required him to speak. Please read Jeremiah Chapters 1 verses 7, 9 and 17; 20 verse 9. The prophet Jeremiah also knew and understood his constituency.

You are called to meet the specific needs of your constituency and not that of another constituency. Parents provide for their children before meeting the needs of other people. Their children are their immediate constituency. Politicians meet the needs of members of their constituencies and not the constituencies of other politicians. National leaders of countries meet the needs of their citizens above the needs of citizens of other nations. Business leaders meet the needs of their business partners before engaging in meeting the needs of other people.

Meeting the needs of other constituencies at the expense of your constituency will never move you up the ladder of your constituency. This is because zeroing in on the needs of your constituency and meeting them is actually doing what you are called to do which always comes with innumerable rewards while meeting the supposedly pressing needs of other constituencies translates to doing what you are not called to do; it is bearing the heavy cross of another person; a responsibility you are not divinely assigned and tasked to do.  Additionally and quite regrettably, it will not give you a foothold in the constituencies you chose above your constituency.


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