Thursday, June 20, 2019

Designed to Succeed - Be You 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You are divinely designed to be the sun behind the cloud, the game changer who is never dampened by circumstances. You are divinely designed to always find creative ways to navigate whatever stormy waters you run into so that you take your ever winning team into smooth sailing waters. Therefore, do not ever consider giving up despite the thunder storms, claps and fierce lightning strike. Somehow, somehow, still put on your brave charming smile, still strategize and the answers will come. It is not over for you. You will always succeed beyond your expectations; the expectations of people about you because God Who designed you to always succeed is always able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ever ask or think of so that you always succeed.  Therefore, keep on the winning smile, the determined but measured steps to succeed because you are God’s success story being unveiled to the world.

However, you need to urgently break the alabaster box.

The story of the alabaster box is very interesting. The alabaster box was a very expensive box that contained precious sweet smelling oil. But as long as the box was intact, the fragrant oil was trapped in it, without blessing humanity. But the moment the alabaster box was broken and its beautiful contents filled the atmosphere and blessed humanity with the sweet smelling fragrance, it became a reference point in time and history as a blessing. Beloved, the world is waiting to breathe the beautiful fragrances you carry inside of you so that people can be blessed and you can become the reference point in time and history that God designed you to be from the very foundation of the world.

If it becomes a best case scenario so that you can evolve and emerge into your full potential, then break the box so that you can see beyond the clouds that are obscuring your view. Ask God to open your eyes of understanding to see what you need which is looking for you to bless humanity with and; significantly is staring you in the face. Do not focus on and keep looking for what you think you need; which unfortunately is in the stratosphere, unreachable and which really you do not need.

It is ironic how we keep looking for what is looking for us; expending energies in fruitless searches that yield no results while what is looking for us which is what we need is patiently staring us in the face; waiting for us to notice, pay attention and be blessed. No surprise then that a note worthy man of God that I have great respect for once said that God will never position beyond your reach what you need therefore you should look around with an open mind – think creatively outside of the box for what you are looking for is staring you in the face.

Two of Jesus’ disciples’ enroute to Emmaus were sad as they discussed the events of Jesus’ crucifixion. Unknown to them, the other person who met them on the way and joined them in the conversation was the risen Jesus whom they supposed was still in the grave. But that was the same Jesus with whom they walked, ate and interacted freely. They did not recognize him because the Bible says that their eyes were restrained but when Jesus opened their eyes of understanding, they recognized him. Please see Luke Chapter 24 verses 13 to 53. My prayer for you as you read this post is that God will open your eyes of understanding to the great potentials at your disposal which are sitting inside of YOU innate but waiting for you to unleash them and succeed. Significantly, you will see them if you choose to be YOU and not someone else. CHOOSE TO BE YOU AND SUCCEED BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS AND IMAGINATION. SHALOM.

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