Monday, March 11, 2019

Stretch Out

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The parable of talents is illustrative of what people who recognize the worth of their talents or divine gifts can do to multiply and compound their talents or divine gifts to bless humanity and themselves. The man who was given five talents multiplied the talents. So also did the man who got two talents. But the wicked servant who received one talent chose not to work his talent.  Rather, he buried the talent. He was therefore unproductive and not a blessing to himself, family, humanity or even His master. Beloved, a one talent person is already disadvantaged and therefore has no business burying the gift. Rather, s/he should hone the gift and move on to other gifts. Yet the most dangerous thing most one talent people do is to bury their gifts when in reality they should develop five talent efforts so that they can match up with the people who have five talents.

Five talent people and five talents efforts is God’s preference. This because five talent people always make five talent efforts to serve divine purpose and bless humanity. They are selfless people who live for the common good. David was a five talent person. Mary the mother of Jesus Christ was a five talent person. The prophetess Deborah was a five talent person. She accompanied Barak to war and God gave Israel victory. She did what she did for the common good. It was not about her. It was for Israel, the people of God. Nehemiah was a five talent person. That explains why he rose from the position of butler to governor of Jerusalem who blessed the people with his personal resources. The little boy who brought lunch to the crusade, five loaves of bread and two fishes was a five talent child. He blessed humanity with his lunch pack. Jesus is a five talent person and I dare to say that you are a five talent person.

The Biblical Joseph for instance was born a five talent person but unfortunately was living with a one talent family and probably attending a one talent school and taught by a one talent teacher; that is if there were schools then. But somehow, God intervened in the affairs of Joseph and organized him out of the one talent family and environment. Though Joseph also ended up in a one talent family in Egypt, Potiphar’s wife’s sinful advances to Joseph moved him out of a one talent house to prison, a two talent world until Joseph’s eventual move to a five talent world, the palace.

Beloved, like Joseph, you can be a five talent person stuck in a one talent community. However, you have the choice to move out of it because life has a way of organizing events to move you out of a one talent world. Therefore, make conscious and deliberate efforts to move to the five talent world by getting five talent efforts to match the five talents person you are. Otherwise, you will never know how divinely endowed you are; and the fact that your divine endowments are to take you to great positions of power, influence and wealth where you bless humanity.

You can start by honing your gifts with continuous practice. Stretch your imagination. Exercise your mind to see possibilities. Get to the peak of the mountain where you can easily see possibilities. You have outgrown the one talent world and one talent village cheerleader and cheer crowd. Move on to more knowledgeable cheer leaders and cheer crowds who will cheer you into your true destiny; into God’s plans and purposes for your life. You know the truth, this cheerleader and cheer crowd lack the capacity, knowledge, wisdom and understanding to cheer you into divine purpose. This is because their low gifts, low anointing and low faith will always give poor results that will not take you to the peak of the mountain of success. Like the disciples of Jesus who could not handle the case of the epileptic boy, you will continue in the circle of village champion celebrating electricity while the world has gone digital. Additionally, they are not headed in the same direction with you and therefore have no idea how to cheer you into that direction. Secondly, they do not have any of the resources you require to get to divine purpose. So why waste time on cheers that lead you nowhere and keep you bound where you should not be in life. Why not move on to cheers and applause by cheer leaders and crowds that will take you to divine purpose. Divine purpose is your goal, destination and not dancing around pity parties, litanies of woes, blame games, chasing after shadows and every excuse which keeps you from getting to divine destination.

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