Monday, March 18, 2019

Stretch Out 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

An eagle which fraternizes with chickens all the time loses its ability to soar and will at best fly, an extremely difficult task for the eagle whose wings are designed to soar and not fly. Beloved, you have been standing very tall but unfortunately you did not know it and made the mistake of attempting to stoop. Quickly undo the mistake and keep standing very tall as you are not holding your ground, defending your territory but you are also actually sending out word that there is no room for competition because you have actually grown beyond competition.

You are already an institution, an intimidating force to be reckoned with, respected, valued, significant and relevant to humanity. It is therefore time to move on in life so that you can be more beneficial to humanity and be truly celebrated.

You have had the luxury of interacting with quality people and institutions and when you have the luxury of interacting with quality players in any endeavor of life, you develop as a player in that area of life. Not only do you work from an intelligence perspective, you also develop an uncanny instinct, the ability to smell opportunities and utilize the opportunities to great advantage. Doing this as often as possible can make you an expression of family, institutional, community, national and global pride. Significantly, this can be achieved through deliberate and measured diligent growth in about every area of life which is why you must make the effort to interact with quality players. Therefore, hone your gifts so that you can excel and stand before kings. While it is true that low gifts and great anointing produce results, the truth is that the results are not permanent. This is because there is usually no organization, no systems, and no institutionalization that will give permanent results. This is also true of great gifts and low anointing as they also produce results that are not permanent. But great gifts and great anointing equals great results and permanence. Significantly, both have to be developed.

Mental elasticity births financial, material and other elasticity and mental elasticity is often preceded by spiritual elasticity. Spiritual elasticity on the other hand is a not a one off activity; it is not a mystical activity. It is a process of progressive spiritual development through a series of diligent daily Bible study, praise worship and adoration, meditation on the word of God to internalize the word of God, understand the truth of the word of God and understand the word of God to apply the word of God in daily interactions and processes. It is doing kingdom work and spending quality personal time with God. The more you study the word of God and meditate on the word of God, the more enhanced and enlarged will your capacity to receive and understand the word of God. As your capacity to receive and understand the word of God increases; so also does your capacity to live your life in line with the word of God expands and as that happens, your progressive spiritual elasticity also translates to mental, financial, material and other forms of elasticity. The word of God internalized in your spirit and mental processes will always illuminate your mind to access riches untold effortlessly.  Therefore speed up so that your diligent spiritual activities will birth diligent mental and physical activities.

You may experience storms as you stretch out. Do not give up or give in. the Bible records that there was a storm when Jesus and his disciples were crossing over to the other side in Matthew Chapter 5.  But it is also significant to note that three outstanding miracles followed the storm.  Beloved, there is another side of your life that God wants to introduce and showcase and the good news is that there is no storm strong enough to stop you. Storms or no storms; it is time to go to the other side. Sometimes, you need to chew more than you can handle because God does not disappoint anyone whose trust is in Him. Trust God to make you the five talent person He designed you to be from the foundation of the world and you will get there to be celebrated.

Therefore, consciously and deliberately develop and hone the ability to always move forward and express yourself more intelligently. You do not necessarily have to be spectacular. Just do the things you have to do to win by creatively navigating challenges in such a way that will make your opponents do all the work. That was exactly what the tortoise did to the hare who boasted of winning slow paced tortoise at a race. Rather than over extend himself in an area he could not win in, Mr. Tortoise simply duplicated himself at strategic points where the hare thought he had advantages. To the surprise of Mr. fast paced Hare, Mr. Tortoise was already at the finishing line. What happened? Mr. Tortoise chose to work smart knowing he did not have the capacity to work hard. He sat back and simply defended the finish line by placing his entire family members at strategic points in the race line because he knew he could never outrun Mr. Hare. Mr. Hare on the other hand chose to do the entire work of running the race line to finish on his own. Ironically, Mr. Tortoise who did not even run any distance in the entire race reaped the benefits by supposedly arriving first at the finish line.

Beloved, stretching out will entail more of working smart than working hard. Working smart in this sense will mean learning to partner and collaborate, investing in relationships that will give you greater leverage and mileage. No more I can do it alone. Perhaps you should learn from great football teams who succeed more because the overall team spirit is great. It is not a one man show but deep collaborative efforts to achieve a common goal. Stretch out by reaching out to partners who will boost what you do while you also boost what they do. Happy partnerships and collaborations as you leverage on the strengths of other people and institutions and they also leverage on your own strengths.

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