Wednesday, January 9, 2019

No More Indefinite Waits 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Procrastination on account of ignorance, lack of clarity, vagueness, confusion, fuzzy mindedness can a keep a person grounded in a spot for eons; no forward movement, stagnating into retrogression. The man at the pool alongside a number of other people came to the pool to be healed. But rather than get healed, they stayed in the same condition in which they came to the pool; not for a few weeks, months, a year or two but a number of years; probably in pain, in tears, in anguish, daily hoping for the elusive cure as someone always stronger somehow always got into the water before them.

In the case of the man who was healed by Jesus Christ, he had been in that state of physical, spiritual and mental paralysis for thirty eight long years and had come to the conclusion that there was no exit door out of his problem. So even when Jesus Christ asked if he wanted to be made well, the lame man gave a string of excuses for not getting well. The situation had overwhelmed him and blurred his initial vision and goal of getting healed; the reason for which he went to Bethsaida in the first place. But after thirty eight years, he gave up on the vision of getting healed and was content to simply remain at Bethsaida; lamenting his woes, throwing pity parties through the string of excuses he gave. Getting healed was no longer his goal as pity from whoever was what he wanted.

Fortunately, Jesus Christ had greater interest in him than a pity party. Jesus had great plans for the man, to take him back to his original vision and goal of getting healed in addition to restoring him to the original purpose for which he was created; a fully enriching and fulfilling life in Christ Jesus. The man’s conclusions that his case was completely hopeless and would only require pity from people were illogical before Jesus Who immediately rewrote the man’s history from hopelessness to a bright future as the man suddenly received his healing in His spirit, soul and body by the spoken word of Jesus Christ.  His whole being was energized, revitalized to a new life of joy, happiness in Christ Jesus. For one, he was physically capacitated to earn an income; he was spiritually and mentally rejuvenated and revitalized to take on the real world he had stayed away from for thirty eight years. The man who hitherto was full of lamentations boldly retorted that Jesus Christ Who made him well was the One Who authorized him to carry his bed, though it was the Sabbath. Prior to the encounter with Jesus, this man would not dare carry his bed on the Sabbath.

Beloved, the man was spiritually and mentally and physically prepared to take on the world because he had received a great touch from God through Jesus Christ. You can also take on the world if you will simply rise in faith above whatever dampened your enthusiasm, zest for life because Jesus paid the full price for you on the cross. Please read Isaiah Chapter 53 verses 1 to 5, Colossians Chapter 2 verses 13 to 15; whatever challenges your progress in any area of life.

Jesus Christ will manifest whatever you need Him for in any situation, even when you think that it is impossible as in the case of the lame man at the poll in Bethsaida who complained of having no one to put him the pool when Jesus spoke to him. Unknown to the lame man, he no longer required assistance into the pool or the healing which came from being dipped in the pool. This is because Jesus Christ the Healer by whose stripes sicknesses and diseases disappear; by whose words sicknesses and diseases disappear was right there before Him to restore his health. Significantly; though the lame man was unaware of this, Jesus manifested as Healer and the man who had been sick for thirty eight years without any possibility of getting healed was made whole after an encounter with Jesus, the God Who makes all things possible. Please read Philippians Chapter 2 verses 9 to 11, Isaiah Chapter 53 verse 5, 1st Peter Chapter 2 verse 24.

The lame man did not have to wait endlessly for the lucky day when someone would show up at the nick of time when the water was stirred by an angel to assist him. Jesus was there for him just as He is always there for His own at any point in time.

He told Martha who was looking forward to Lazarus resurrecting at the resurrection of the dead that He is the Resurrection and the Life but Martha did not understand then and probably understood later when Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus. Lazarus did not have to wait till the end of time since Jesus Christ Who is the Resurrection and the Life was right there to bring him back from the dead to the land of the living. Please read John Chapter 11 verses 1 to 45.

God will show up at the nick of time. Do not wait indefinitely. He is here for you. Shalom.

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