Sunday, November 18, 2018

You are a Success Story

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
You are not a failure
You are not a loser
You are not down and out
You did not even fall

You only took on a new course
Walked in a new direction
A direction that had always been there
Latent, with occasional walks

Not long enough to explore the full
And optimal dimensions of this course
Short walks, actually forays
That could have proceeded
To real life long journeys on this course

But were aborted by voices
Some faint, some loud, some unclear
Some distinct
Voices that steered you in diverse directions

Seeking for gold, without purpose
And ultimately not finding real gold
You took the turn, followed that
Age long course

You had always known
Would lead you to gold
Diamonds, Sapphires, Rubies,
And all you ever wanted in life

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