Monday, October 8, 2018

Do Not Lose Your Identity 2

                                      Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Daniel was a very young man when he was conscripted into the court of King Nebuchadnezzar first as a trainee and later as a very important member of the court. Though Daniel outlived Nebuchadnezzar and other kings after Nebuchadnezzar such as BelShazzar, Darius the Mede and Cyrus, Daniel did not lose his identity as an Israelite. He refused to partake of the defiling delicacies of the King’s table and refused to stop praying to God even when a death sentence was issued against anyone who prayed to another god within thirty days. Daniel knew that Jehovah was and will always be God over all gods. So he ignored their threats and maintained his normal routine of communion with God. Though Daniel was eventually thrown into the den of lions, the Bible records that he was unscathed as the lions did not touch him. But when the conspirators were thrown into that same den of lions, they were immediately devoured by the lions. Please read Daniel Chapter 6. Daniel could have chosen to blend in with the people he interacted with; the people he was compelled to learn their language, culture and religion while he was in training for three years and most importantly while he was in service so he could probably be promoted. But Daniel chose to be Daniel, an obedient child of God and because he did not lose his identity, he prospered and was honored. But most importantly, Daniel’s refusal to lose his identity in obedience to God helped to entrench the worship of God in the kingdoms he served.

Three other young men, Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego who also served alongside Daniel and other members of the court also maintained their identities as children of the Most High God. They also refused to partake of the defiling delicacies of the King’s table. Additionally, they defied Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace and refused to bow down in worship to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image. Though the fiery furnace had no power over them, what is significant is that their obedience to God made Nebuchadnezzar acknowledge the Lordship and power of God in addition of issuing a decree of total destruction against anyone who spoke amiss against God. Beloved, can you imagine what would have happened if the three young men lost their identities in the crowd of Babylon? They would have been destroyed. But because they dared to be different, they were saved and honored.

Mordecai refused to, lose his identity. He chose not to worship Haman. Consequently, Haman issued a decree to annihilate not only Mordecai who slighted him but the entire Jews in the kingdom. Mordecai was not intimidated by Haman’s decree.  Though it troubled him, Mordecai realized that God had gone ahead of Haman by placing Esther in the palace as Queen in the land. So Mordecai went to Esther and Esther tried to make excuses. Mordecai cautioned Esther not to lose her identity. And as Esther stuck to her identity and sought refuge in God, God created exit points out of the irreversible annihilation sentence. The King empowered the Jews to fight against anyone who attacked them. Not only were the Jews spared, Haman and his family were destroyed. But significantly, Esther remained queen and Mordecai was promoted as second in command to the King. Please read the entire book of Esther for details and Holy Spirit insight.

Joseph also refused to lose his identity while in Egypt. The outcome was that he was promoted above the people who wanted to make him lose his identity. Beloved, you can and have all it takes not to lose your identity in Christ Jesus irrespective of wherever you are placed and what the circumstances are. You know why? God deposited in you extravagant grace to always empower you to be you in Christ Jesus so that whatever appears to be stumbling blocks in your path actually turn out to be stepping stones to progress, wealth, honor and fame in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. May God Who is always able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ever ask or think of empower you to rise up above whatever challenges you now so that you can become who He created you to be in Christ in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom and God bless you real good.

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