Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Designed to Succeed - Be You

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
The angel told me to give Zerubbabel this message from the LORD: "You will succeed, not by military might or by your own strength, but by my spirit. Zechariah Chapter 4 verse 6 Good News Translation.

God has never failed and will never fail. Great food for thought! May be, may be not depending on the side of the divide you are in. But the truth irrespective of whatever divide you are in is that God does not fail and will never fail. That significantly says a lot about you. Why and how? You are created in the image of God, the Author of success meaning that even before you were born, God had designed and capacitated you for success. There is therefore absolutely no reason why you should not succeed. Success is in your DNA. IT IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT and INHERITANCE which cannot be stolen no matter how hard the enemy tries. You are the only one who can stop YOU FROM SUCCEEDING.

You can become national and global assets to kings and nations if you know who exactly you are and why God put you on planet earth. David knew the you in him which explains why he could run after the wild beast that came preying on the family flock he kept. It was also this wonderful knowledge about who he was that empowered David, a mere youth to challenge; not only an experienced warrior but a giant who had successfully immobilized the entire army of Israel for forty days. David knew you, the you in him; he successfully brought Goliath down and the army of the Philistine that had held sway because of Goliath was overrun by the army of Israel. Please read 1st Samuel Chapter 17 for details and Holy Spirit inspired insight.

Mordecai knew the you in him and refused to literally worship Haman. Though Haman resorted to making the King agree to his decree to annihilate the Jews, Mordecai was not intimidated. He took on Haman in prayers and Haman and his household were destroyed.

Therefore, let loose the floodgates of success latent in you by being you. You never belonged by being them. You belonged by being you because they wanted to be like you. They needed the refreshing grace, vigor and life you brought to every situation. Why then do you want to be like them; to fit into their lifeless mold that is void of energy and power? It is the life and vigor you bring; the refreshing presence of God that makes the difference and which is what makes you relevant, significant and needed. Therefore, continue to be YOU and innovate on YOU rather than be a lifeless copy, an unsigned copy, an imitation of someone else. YOU are YOU and it is the YOU in YOU that will take you to the heights God designed for you from the foundation of the world. Therefore, do not stop being YOU.

Joseph did not become Prime Minister in Egypt by trying to be like the wise men of Pharaoh’s court. He became Prime Minister because he was different, the ideas and solutions he proffered were different and made a great positive difference in the land. Daniel rose to the peak of leadership and governance structures in Babylon on account of the fact that he was different. He was Daniel and not the other wise men of the court. He operated from You will be highly sought after, relevant, significant, honored, wealthy and famous in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s name is money, his legs are money because he is Ronaldo and plays Ronaldo. He does not imitate other players, He simply plays his game and he is a success story. Surprisingly, Ronaldo did not become rich only through playing football. He also makes money from adverts and promotions as well as other activities tied to his celebrity status, courtesy of his great artistry and mastery of the game of football that he plays his own way. So also do many other celebrities who are well known for doing certain activities well without imitating other people. They are who they are doing what God designed them to do.

You can also do same with the grace and gifts of God in your life. You may have achieved global visibility given to you by God on account of certain divine tasks you accomplished well in the past. You can create a spectacular but unique brand and line out of that. Perhaps you have a knack for dressing well, actually, a divine ability; certainly you can create a fashion brand or line – jewelry, accessories such as shoes, belts and hats with the great ability God gave you to dress well, the ability to combine great clothes, jewelry as well as other accessories to ALWAYS achieve a great refined look that speaks of sophistication, elegance and excellence.

Celebrity status is also a way of making money and preaching the gospel to many people as it empowers you to reach a larger audience, to influence a greater number of people for Christ, to teach them to live holy lives that are a sweet fragrance to God. Break with hiding in the backyard or back side of the desert and step into the klieg lights where you truly belong because you are divinely designed to succeed by being YOU. Shalom.

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