Monday, June 4, 2018

The Dos and Don’ts of Seeds

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Seeds beget harvests only when they are planted. Bread begets waste. When seeds are not planted for any reason whatsoever ranging from greed, laziness, selfishness, disobedience and rebellion; seeds dry, rot and are wasted. They do not benefit anyone. They are wasted and God hates waste.

Seeds are divinely designed to be planted and not eaten or wasted on account of laziness. Please see Ecclesiastes Chapter 11 verses 1 to 6, Genesis Chapters 9 verse 22; 26 verses 12 to 14 and John Chapter 12 verse 24. Therefore, plant seeds when they should be planted and most importantly on the right soils.

Always separate seeds from bread. Every wise farmer does that. Please see Psalm 126 verses 5 to 6. Isaac planted in tears in Gerar. Why and how, you might ask? There was a famine in the land – a consequence of drought, unproductive soils yet God commanded Isaac to plant his precious seeds in that land. No wise farmer plants his seeds in a land or ground where there is drought, the ground id unproductive or has low yield. Yet, Isaac did because God commanded him to do so. The result of his obedience was overwhelming abundant harvests that made him richer than the indigenes of Gerar.

Do not despise the size of your seed as every seed has potential for greatness. Besides, the productivity of the seed does not depend on the size. A seed no matter how small always produces abundant harvest when planted. The mustard seed though small; grew into a large tree that not only accommodated the birds of the air but also produced mustards and seeds for the benefit of humanity. Please see Luke Chapter 13 verse 19. It is said that great things and achievements start with small beginnings. Please see Job Chapters 8 verse 7; 42 verse 12. The Bible also cautions against despising the day of small beginnings. Please see Zechariah Chapter 4 verses 6 to 10.

 The prophet’s widow had what she referred to as only a pot of oil; a seemingly insignificant resource.  But by the time God breathed His increase on it, it had become vessels of oil multiplied.  What are the skills and talents in your hands?  Lay them before God and ask for His favor and increase upon them.  They shall surely grow, expand, flourish, bloom because it is of God and it is well.

Seed or seeds in this case could be the vision God gave you; your God given talent, expertise and skills. They should be treasured through immense appreciation to God who chose you to be blessed with such gifts. Secondly, they should be submitted to the Holy Spirit for direction and implementation so that they are planted in the right soils and environments.  Thirdly, you must accept your seed as the best thing that happened to you after salvation. That way, you will pay prime attention to your seed and nurture the seed the way God wants you to nurture it so that the seed not only produces other fruits and seeds to you; it also becomes a blessing to humanity just as the mustard seed did. Please see Mark Chapter 4 verses 30 to 32. This implies that you must allow your seed to grow and become great; not just for it to be a tree but for it to be a blessing to other people. Joseph patiently waited for his seed to blossom and flourish and became a blessing to many nations. All the while he slaved in Potiphar’s house, the prison he was unjustly sent to; the seed of greatness was inside of Joseph.

Beloved, your desired greatness in life is a seed that is already inside you. Therefore, plant and tend it and give it time to grow so that it will be a blessing to other people. That way, people will pay handsomely for the benefits of your seed irrespective of your background and how you started. It does not matter where and how, including when you started god does not look at how you start in life but where He is taking you. God can actually give you the overtakers unction to move far far ahead of those who started before you, had more than enough resources to start just because He wants to showcase you to the world like He did for Joseph, Daniel, Esther and a number of other Biblical characters. The choice however is yours.

Greatness in life begins with a seed and not necessarily money. Therefore, take charge and ownership of your seed. Do not be ashamed of your seed. Do not neglect your seed. Please see 1st Timothy Chapter 4 verse 14. Plant your seeds, that is exercise your gifts. Please see  2nd Timothy Chapter 1 verse 6. Stop running in wide circles and work your seed because that seed has potential for greatness and will survive whatever challenges show up. Refuse to be intimidated by anyone.

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