Sunday, November 20, 2016

Unravel the Greatness Within to Succeed

Witten by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You are born great and you are greatly blessed. Before God created you, He put everything you would need in place. You were deliberately created to be great. That is why you are created in the image of God. You are not a biological accident. You were designed from the very foundation of the world to be great and everything you would need to achieve the greatness; both internal and external were put in place by God for you. Please see John Chapter 10 verse 34, Psalm 8.

The internal requirements are the innate possibilities deposited in you by God and they are within you for you to discover, develop and enhance to high accent for success in every area of your life. It does not have to be a great gift for God to use it in a great way.

God is the God of possibilities. There is something within you that God can use. There are innate possibilities within you that you can build on through shared information. What do you have that God can use? Believe God for the impossible because with God all things are possible. The things you feel are a disadvantage to you are things that God wants to use to magnify you. Therefore, do not doctor your resume, your status, etc. what God has planned for you is specific to you – 2nd Corinthians Chapter 10 verses 12 and will come to full manifestation and success with what is within you.

Moses achieved success with the rod in his hands. What is the rod in your hands? That rod is a miracle in your hand and just like Moses, you shall do signs with the rod in your hands. Please see Exodus Chapter 4 verses 1 to 5, 8, and 17. Remember that Moses complained of his inadequacies when God unfolded his assignment to him. Moses’ chief concern was that the people would not believe him. But unknown to him, what was in his hands was more than enough to guarantee signs that would make the people believe. Signs and miracles have voices that speak. It is through the voice of signs that others would see and announce you – Hebrews Chapter 2 verse 4 confirms this. In order to command the respect of the unregenerate, the voice of your miracles and signs will speak in Jesus mighty name.

The value of what you consider the seemingly insignificant will amaze you when you put it to the use God purposed for it. The jar of oil of the widow of the indebted son of the prophet was all she had but that same jar of oil paid off the huge debts and left abundant resources for them to live on. This is to say that God usually multiplies and compounds what is in your hand no matter how small, insignificant and of little or no value it seems to you. God works within the resources He blessed you with – Elisha’s twenty loaves of bread that fed one hundred men and there were left overs (2nd Kings Chapter 4 verses 42 to 44), the five loaves and two fishes that fed five thousand men besides women and children, and produced twelve baskets of leftovers (Mark Chapter 6 verses 34 to 44) and the seven loaves that fed four thousand and produced seven large baskets of leftovers (Mark Chapter 8 verses 1 to 9).

There will be series of miracles in your life in Jesus mighty name. This is because it is possible for signs and wonders to be a daily occurrence in your life if you simply follow the principles in the Bible. Moses did several signs with the rod – you can also do more with less because you are chosen. There is no one like you in the world. You have absolutely no competition because you are a precut piece by God designed to fit in a particular place of history that no one can fit in. You have a special unction designed to make you great and successful. What you need to do is to unravel the unction within, work it and become great. See you at Success Street, Shalom.

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