Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Why You should not Play catch Up

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Playing catch up is the way of the world, of trying to be where you think you should be in life and not necessarily where God wants you to be at any point in time in life. It is particularly appalling when some people deploy methodologies that are sometimes not right just to play catch up; sometimes at the detriment of what they seek.

Daniel was a captive in Babylon but by divine intervention, he was one of those trained to serve as a wise man in the court of King Nebuchadnezzar. Again, by divine intervention, Daniel stood out tall and was immediately called; alongside his three friends, Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego to serve in the inner court; a feat which usually took some time after training.

Needless to say, Daniel’s sporadic rise to the top in the kingdoms of Babylon, the Medes and the Persians resonate Scriptures that promotion indeed comes from God and not the so called human connections which people lobby for to get to the top. Come to think of it, there would have been no room for Daniel to play catch up. To start with, he was a captive. But God Who always does wonders and divine placement strategically placed Daniel where he was divinely ordained to be.

How about Moses who fled from the palace for safety and immediately disappeared from the public sphere and politics of the day into the wilderness where he became a shepherd taking care of the flock of Jethro, his father in-law? For forty years, the young man Moses who was raised as a prince in Egypt served as a shepherd and was content in that position. He not for once contemplated the idea of playing catch up. Even when God called him to go to Egypt and stand before Pharaoh, he did not contemplate the idea of playing catch up. He obeyed God and went to Egypt because he really had no other choice. Otherwise, he would have chosen to remain as a shepherd in Midian. But God Who always raises the poor out of the dust and ash heap positions of life made Moses stand out.

But at God’s appointed time, Moses appeared before Pharaoh. Tall and in charge to negotiate the release of the people of Israel from Egyptian slavery and bondage. Did he succeed? Definitely! He not only secured the release of the people of Israel – he also led them out of Egypt, through the many challenges in the wilderness to the fringes of Canaan before going to rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Beloved, do not pursue purpose at the expense of God. Pursue God, for everything you require to achieve God’s purpose for your life and to make wealth is embedded in God and it is as you pursue God that God releases them to you step by step as they are due.

Nehemiah was a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes in Susa. Apparently, Nehemiah either enjoyed his job or was a happy go lucky man who radiated happiness which had become characteristic of him as even the King noticed. That explains why the King asked what the matter was when Nehemiah showed up one day looking forlorn. Fortunately, Nehemiah did not hide the truth from the King. He also used the opportunity to request time off his job so he could go rebuild Jerusalem’s fallen walls. Everything he requested for was granted unto him by the King. And significantly and quite instructive, Nehemiah ended up as the governor of Jerusalem, not by playing catch up but serving divine purpose.

That can also be your portion in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Receive strength to prosper, to excel, to soar, and to spread out in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.






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