Thursday, May 6, 2021

Give as God would Have You Give

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Sometimes, it is difficult to give to certain people, institutions, communities and nations because of their attitude and behavior. Some people, institutions and communities either do not know how to say thank you or they are just ingrates. It can be quite difficult to give to such people especially if you gave to them in the past and they did not acknowledge your gifts, did not say thank you or even treated you badly and even despised you and humiliated you like the Pharisees and Sadducees kept doing to Jesus. But remember that Jesus kept giving, kept laying down his life for the sheep until He paid the ultimate price for the release of humanity from satanic captivity. Please read Isaiah Chapter 53 verses 1 to 12.

It is only natural and human to expect good from people you have done good deeds to. Even in the workplace, it is expected of people to return favors; organizations to return favors as well as governments to return favors. That is the way of the world, do good to me and I will do good deeds to you. But in the kingdom of God, God expects His children to do good to everyone irrespective of how they respond. Please read Matthew Chapter 5 verses 38 to 48.

However, do not expect anything in return from people you do good deeds to. Rather, expect God to bless you for being a blessing to people. Otherwise, you will end up upset, angry, bitter and frustrated because there are people who always repay good with evil. Jesus Christ came to save humanity but the same humanity betrayed Him, rejected Him, despised Him, sold Him to the Romans and killed Him. To avoid such pain, do good deeds for the sake of doing good deeds because it is what you were created to do. God Who sees your acts and thoughts of good will reward you accordingly.

Additionally, refuse to be bitter by forgiving people of whatever wrongs they do to you upfront. In point of fact, let go of whatever unpleasant feelings you may have so that you do not become angry, resentful, bitter and make the mistake of progressing to hate. Esau resented the fact that Jacob stole the father’s blessings and because he did not deal with the negative emotion immediately, it progressed to a root of bitterness which culminated in hatred and the decision to kill Jacob after their father’s burial. Fortunately for Jacob, God intervened and he quickly escaped to Laban’s house.

Also, do not make demands be they spiritual, physical, mental, financial, emotional or material on anyone. Rather, ask God for what you need, even emotional support. You will always be amazed at what God will always do – pleasant surprises at all times. Jabez asked for a change of fortune to be turned around from pain to fruitfulness and prosperity. God answered him and he became fruitful and prosperous. Can you imagine what would have happened if he had asked help from people? He would have remained in pain because the truth is that humans lack the capacity to be of help to fellow humans except when God intervenes. The woman with the issue of blood turned to God and asked God for help after twelve years of fail stories from the people who supposedly could have helped her.

Give to people what God wants you to give to them and not what you think they deserve. They may not appreciate what you think they deserve. It may not even be what they need so it will be of no use to them. You also do not give people things because they need them. They may need them but will not value them so they will not care for them and ultimately they will ruin them. Besides, you may even need some of those things later and may not be able to access them.

I once gave pearls to someone and because she did not know the value of the pearls, she lost them. I also gave angel colored corals to someone who did not appreciate them. She did not value them and left them uncared for. I also once gave a crocodile skin Jimmy Choo handbag to someone but it meant nothing to her as she took it apart and left it uncared for. I had to refurbish it considering its worth. I also gave a blue corals necklace to someone. Sadly, her children turned it into a toy. Someone bought a beautiful set of leather boots and gave them to her cousin who did not know the worth. She gave them to a little child who turned them to play shoes. I gave some very expensive designer shoes and clothes to some young people. They never appreciated them. Indeed, Scripture is correct that pearls should not be given to swine.

Do not be obnoxious – give people what they want or most importantly give them what God wants you to give to them and not necessarily what you think they want. Do not impose yourself on them. That is not what they want or more importantly what God wants of them. God wants them to be like Jesus Christ and not like you. Therefore, give them Jesus and only guide them to be like Jesus. No more, no more less. Imposing yourself or personality on them may definitely offend them and make them rebel and turn against your brand.

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