Thursday, May 20, 2021

Get on the Centre Stage

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Show case the glory of God by sharing His greatness in your life with people

Spend more time talking to and with God.

Speak as God would have you speak. Jesus Christ consistently spoke to people, circumstances and situations as well as the elements of creation and they obeyed him. This is because He spoke as God would have Him speak by the Spirit of God. The words He spoke were not His words but words which the Holy Spirit of God Who was in Him without measure directed Him to speak.

Beloved, now is the definitive time in history to impact lives for Christ especially the teeming confused and frightened people who need Christ.. Speak to them in the language they would understand about the love of God for them and what Christ did on Calvary; as well as the complete and finished work of Christ to liberate humanity from the shackles and pain of sin.

Speak, talk, Scriptures at all times.

Make yourself visible. Give yourself global visibility. Put the lamp you have lit on the lampstand.  Deliberately position yourself to be globally visible.

Break through the ranks. Though your beginning was small, your latter shall be great. Please read Job Chapters 8 verse 7, 42 verses 10 to 19, Isaiah Chapter 51 verses 2 to 3, and Psalm 115 verses 9 to 15.

Stop crawling; walk and run and if you can fly.

Do not become pedestrian no matter what. You are still royalty therefore wear your gait and looks and behavior. Refuse to become pedestrian. Move away from, drop any form of pedestrianism in every area of your life. Ask God to help you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Be refined in all manners of speech, dress and appearance. Speak intelligently, passionately and most importantly as directed by the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Why You should not Play catch Up

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Playing catch up is the way of the world, of trying to be where you think you should be in life and not necessarily where God wants you to be at any point in time in life. It is particularly appalling when some people deploy methodologies that are sometimes not right just to play catch up; sometimes at the detriment of what they seek.

Daniel was a captive in Babylon but by divine intervention, he was one of those trained to serve as a wise man in the court of King Nebuchadnezzar. Again, by divine intervention, Daniel stood out tall and was immediately called; alongside his three friends, Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego to serve in the inner court; a feat which usually took some time after training.

Needless to say, Daniel’s sporadic rise to the top in the kingdoms of Babylon, the Medes and the Persians resonate Scriptures that promotion indeed comes from God and not the so called human connections which people lobby for to get to the top. Come to think of it, there would have been no room for Daniel to play catch up. To start with, he was a captive. But God Who always does wonders and divine placement strategically placed Daniel where he was divinely ordained to be.

How about Moses who fled from the palace for safety and immediately disappeared from the public sphere and politics of the day into the wilderness where he became a shepherd taking care of the flock of Jethro, his father in-law? For forty years, the young man Moses who was raised as a prince in Egypt served as a shepherd and was content in that position. He not for once contemplated the idea of playing catch up. Even when God called him to go to Egypt and stand before Pharaoh, he did not contemplate the idea of playing catch up. He obeyed God and went to Egypt because he really had no other choice. Otherwise, he would have chosen to remain as a shepherd in Midian. But God Who always raises the poor out of the dust and ash heap positions of life made Moses stand out.

But at God’s appointed time, Moses appeared before Pharaoh. Tall and in charge to negotiate the release of the people of Israel from Egyptian slavery and bondage. Did he succeed? Definitely! He not only secured the release of the people of Israel – he also led them out of Egypt, through the many challenges in the wilderness to the fringes of Canaan before going to rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Beloved, do not pursue purpose at the expense of God. Pursue God, for everything you require to achieve God’s purpose for your life and to make wealth is embedded in God and it is as you pursue God that God releases them to you step by step as they are due.


Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God will Always Provide

With God it is always pleasant surprises as He daily loads His children with benefits. Each day, each hour, each minute, each second comes with divinely designed and divinely given pleasant surprises designed to make His children happy in Christ Jesus. Please read Matthew Chapter 7 verses 7 to 9.

Therefore, stop deferring the use of wonderful things God blesses you with to the future. The future is now and as you use those things for the glory of God, God prepares greater things for you. The beautiful ones are not yet born. Use up what God blesses you with and look beautiful for God.

God will always provide because His supply, His storehouse are limitless. He always has more than enough resources anywhere, anytime to meet the needs of His beloved children. That is why the Psalmist who had experienced such provision testified boldly that the Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need; also that he had never seen the seed of the righteous forsaken or begging for bread. Please read Psalm 23, 34 verse 10, 37 verses 25 to 26.

The Apostle Paul also prayed for the Church in Philippi that God would supply their needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus and not according to the economic systems of the world or the supposed wealth of the rich around them.

The widow of the indebted prophet was able to break through the satanic barrier of indebtedness by what God instructed her to do and not the generosity of other people. This means that God supplied her the financial resources which the family required from His limitless supplies in heaven, first by multiplying and compounding her supposedly insignificant resources into very many well packaged vessels of oil; by raising ready and willing buyers who had the financial muscles to pay immediately; a ready market for the product she had.

Ask Now and Receive

Do not get comfortable with any form of suffering so that you get used to coping with or managing suffering comfortably.

I have seen people live in deep rooted poverty and have gotten used to it; in point of fact so used to it that they manage it effectively. Rather than ask God to intervene in their situation, they keep mending torn clothes, patch curtains, chairs, glue broken plates and mugs when all they need to do is ask God to intervene in their situation even as the widow of the indebted prophet did.

Always reject thoughts of lack, poverty, hardship which always come to your mental processes because that is how it has always been in your lineage or it is what you see around you. This is because if you don’t, those thoughts will guide you into decisions, actions, relationships and practices which foster poverty. Take for instance parents who make flowing uniforms for their children so that the children can wear those uniforms for three years of schooling. Do such parents ever consider how the children look in those oversized flowing uniforms? Do they ever imagine that the children could be ridiculed at school? Why? Because the minds of the parents are fixated on the lie of the enemy that they would never have enough money to replace the uniforms. But they forget Scriptures such as Psalm 23 verse 1, Deuteronomy Chapter 8 verse 18 and Matthew Chapter 7 verse 7.

Always See the Future

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Always see the future, in essence, anticipate change. The reason God allows you to see the future is so that you can prepare for the changes in the future as well as take advantage of the opportunities in the changes in the future.

Therefore, always discern times and seasons as well as people to know when they are relevant and when they are irrelevant. Laban was relevant to Jacob for some seasons but the moment Jacob discerned the end of those seasons, Jacob left Laban and returned to Canaan; to become his own man, blessed by and of God to function in divine purpose.

Beloved, God is your exceedingly great reward. Please read Genesis Chapter 15 verse 1. Abram’s reward for everything he did in obedience to God was from God and not humans. Every blessing which accrued to Abram was from God and God alone. That way, no one took the glory for the great wealth which God bestowed on Abram. Abram was greatly blessed of and by God and God alone. Please read Genesis Chapter 24. That explains why Abram refused to collect anything from the King of Sodom. Please read Genesis Chapter 14 verses 21 to 24.

For all you care, this may be your season of divine change. Therefore, take advantage of all your leverages. Do not leave them carelessly around for anyone to steal or trample upon. Do not trade them for pottages like Esau did his birthright. Rather, trade them for value and what God wants you to trade them for.

Add value to what you own. Value enhances your negotiation powers as you always have something better to trade in for what you need.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Give as God would Have You Give

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Sometimes, it is difficult to give to certain people, institutions, communities and nations because of their attitude and behavior. Some people, institutions and communities either do not know how to say thank you or they are just ingrates. It can be quite difficult to give to such people especially if you gave to them in the past and they did not acknowledge your gifts, did not say thank you or even treated you badly and even despised you and humiliated you like the Pharisees and Sadducees kept doing to Jesus. But remember that Jesus kept giving, kept laying down his life for the sheep until He paid the ultimate price for the release of humanity from satanic captivity. Please read Isaiah Chapter 53 verses 1 to 12.

It is only natural and human to expect good from people you have done good deeds to. Even in the workplace, it is expected of people to return favors; organizations to return favors as well as governments to return favors. That is the way of the world, do good to me and I will do good deeds to you. But in the kingdom of God, God expects His children to do good to everyone irrespective of how they respond. Please read Matthew Chapter 5 verses 38 to 48.

However, do not expect anything in return from people you do good deeds to. Rather, expect God to bless you for being a blessing to people. Otherwise, you will end up upset, angry, bitter and frustrated because there are people who always repay good with evil. Jesus Christ came to save humanity but the same humanity betrayed Him, rejected Him, despised Him, sold Him to the Romans and killed Him. To avoid such pain, do good deeds for the sake of doing good deeds because it is what you were created to do. God Who sees your acts and thoughts of good will reward you accordingly.

Additionally, refuse to be bitter by forgiving people of whatever wrongs they do to you upfront. In point of fact, let go of whatever unpleasant feelings you may have so that you do not become angry, resentful, bitter and make the mistake of progressing to hate. Esau resented the fact that Jacob stole the father’s blessings and because he did not deal with the negative emotion immediately, it progressed to a root of bitterness which culminated in hatred and the decision to kill Jacob after their father’s burial. Fortunately for Jacob, God intervened and he quickly escaped to Laban’s house.

Also, do not make demands be they spiritual, physical, mental, financial, emotional or material on anyone. Rather, ask God for what you need, even emotional support. You will always be amazed at what God will always do – pleasant surprises at all times. Jabez asked for a change of fortune to be turned around from pain to fruitfulness and prosperity. God answered him and he became fruitful and prosperous. Can you imagine what would have happened if he had asked help from people? He would have remained in pain because the truth is that humans lack the capacity to be of help to fellow humans except when God intervenes. The woman with the issue of blood turned to God and asked God for help after twelve years of fail stories from the people who supposedly could have helped her.

Give to people what God wants you to give to them and not what you think they deserve. They may not appreciate what you think they deserve. It may not even be what they need so it will be of no use to them. You also do not give people things because they need them. They may need them but will not value them so they will not care for them and ultimately they will ruin them. Besides, you may even need some of those things later and may not be able to access them.