Thursday, May 20, 2021

Get on the Centre Stage

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Show case the glory of God by sharing His greatness in your life with people

Spend more time talking to and with God.

Speak as God would have you speak. Jesus Christ consistently spoke to people, circumstances and situations as well as the elements of creation and they obeyed him. This is because He spoke as God would have Him speak by the Spirit of God. The words He spoke were not His words but words which the Holy Spirit of God Who was in Him without measure directed Him to speak.

Beloved, now is the definitive time in history to impact lives for Christ especially the teeming confused and frightened people who need Christ.. Speak to them in the language they would understand about the love of God for them and what Christ did on Calvary; as well as the complete and finished work of Christ to liberate humanity from the shackles and pain of sin.

Speak, talk, Scriptures at all times.

Make yourself visible. Give yourself global visibility. Put the lamp you have lit on the lampstand.  Deliberately position yourself to be globally visible.

Break through the ranks. Though your beginning was small, your latter shall be great. Please read Job Chapters 8 verse 7, 42 verses 10 to 19, Isaiah Chapter 51 verses 2 to 3, and Psalm 115 verses 9 to 15.

Stop crawling; walk and run and if you can fly.

Do not become pedestrian no matter what. You are still royalty therefore wear your gait and looks and behavior. Refuse to become pedestrian. Move away from, drop any form of pedestrianism in every area of your life. Ask God to help you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Be refined in all manners of speech, dress and appearance. Speak intelligently, passionately and most importantly as directed by the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Why You should not Play catch Up

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Playing catch up is the way of the world, of trying to be where you think you should be in life and not necessarily where God wants you to be at any point in time in life. It is particularly appalling when some people deploy methodologies that are sometimes not right just to play catch up; sometimes at the detriment of what they seek.

Daniel was a captive in Babylon but by divine intervention, he was one of those trained to serve as a wise man in the court of King Nebuchadnezzar. Again, by divine intervention, Daniel stood out tall and was immediately called; alongside his three friends, Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego to serve in the inner court; a feat which usually took some time after training.

Needless to say, Daniel’s sporadic rise to the top in the kingdoms of Babylon, the Medes and the Persians resonate Scriptures that promotion indeed comes from God and not the so called human connections which people lobby for to get to the top. Come to think of it, there would have been no room for Daniel to play catch up. To start with, he was a captive. But God Who always does wonders and divine placement strategically placed Daniel where he was divinely ordained to be.

How about Moses who fled from the palace for safety and immediately disappeared from the public sphere and politics of the day into the wilderness where he became a shepherd taking care of the flock of Jethro, his father in-law? For forty years, the young man Moses who was raised as a prince in Egypt served as a shepherd and was content in that position. He not for once contemplated the idea of playing catch up. Even when God called him to go to Egypt and stand before Pharaoh, he did not contemplate the idea of playing catch up. He obeyed God and went to Egypt because he really had no other choice. Otherwise, he would have chosen to remain as a shepherd in Midian. But God Who always raises the poor out of the dust and ash heap positions of life made Moses stand out.

But at God’s appointed time, Moses appeared before Pharaoh. Tall and in charge to negotiate the release of the people of Israel from Egyptian slavery and bondage. Did he succeed? Definitely! He not only secured the release of the people of Israel – he also led them out of Egypt, through the many challenges in the wilderness to the fringes of Canaan before going to rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Beloved, do not pursue purpose at the expense of God. Pursue God, for everything you require to achieve God’s purpose for your life and to make wealth is embedded in God and it is as you pursue God that God releases them to you step by step as they are due.


Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God will Always Provide

With God it is always pleasant surprises as He daily loads His children with benefits. Each day, each hour, each minute, each second comes with divinely designed and divinely given pleasant surprises designed to make His children happy in Christ Jesus. Please read Matthew Chapter 7 verses 7 to 9.

Therefore, stop deferring the use of wonderful things God blesses you with to the future. The future is now and as you use those things for the glory of God, God prepares greater things for you. The beautiful ones are not yet born. Use up what God blesses you with and look beautiful for God.

God will always provide because His supply, His storehouse are limitless. He always has more than enough resources anywhere, anytime to meet the needs of His beloved children. That is why the Psalmist who had experienced such provision testified boldly that the Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need; also that he had never seen the seed of the righteous forsaken or begging for bread. Please read Psalm 23, 34 verse 10, 37 verses 25 to 26.

The Apostle Paul also prayed for the Church in Philippi that God would supply their needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus and not according to the economic systems of the world or the supposed wealth of the rich around them.

The widow of the indebted prophet was able to break through the satanic barrier of indebtedness by what God instructed her to do and not the generosity of other people. This means that God supplied her the financial resources which the family required from His limitless supplies in heaven, first by multiplying and compounding her supposedly insignificant resources into very many well packaged vessels of oil; by raising ready and willing buyers who had the financial muscles to pay immediately; a ready market for the product she had.

Ask Now and Receive

Do not get comfortable with any form of suffering so that you get used to coping with or managing suffering comfortably.

I have seen people live in deep rooted poverty and have gotten used to it; in point of fact so used to it that they manage it effectively. Rather than ask God to intervene in their situation, they keep mending torn clothes, patch curtains, chairs, glue broken plates and mugs when all they need to do is ask God to intervene in their situation even as the widow of the indebted prophet did.

Always reject thoughts of lack, poverty, hardship which always come to your mental processes because that is how it has always been in your lineage or it is what you see around you. This is because if you don’t, those thoughts will guide you into decisions, actions, relationships and practices which foster poverty. Take for instance parents who make flowing uniforms for their children so that the children can wear those uniforms for three years of schooling. Do such parents ever consider how the children look in those oversized flowing uniforms? Do they ever imagine that the children could be ridiculed at school? Why? Because the minds of the parents are fixated on the lie of the enemy that they would never have enough money to replace the uniforms. But they forget Scriptures such as Psalm 23 verse 1, Deuteronomy Chapter 8 verse 18 and Matthew Chapter 7 verse 7.

Always See the Future

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Always see the future, in essence, anticipate change. The reason God allows you to see the future is so that you can prepare for the changes in the future as well as take advantage of the opportunities in the changes in the future.

Therefore, always discern times and seasons as well as people to know when they are relevant and when they are irrelevant. Laban was relevant to Jacob for some seasons but the moment Jacob discerned the end of those seasons, Jacob left Laban and returned to Canaan; to become his own man, blessed by and of God to function in divine purpose.

Beloved, God is your exceedingly great reward. Please read Genesis Chapter 15 verse 1. Abram’s reward for everything he did in obedience to God was from God and not humans. Every blessing which accrued to Abram was from God and God alone. That way, no one took the glory for the great wealth which God bestowed on Abram. Abram was greatly blessed of and by God and God alone. Please read Genesis Chapter 24. That explains why Abram refused to collect anything from the King of Sodom. Please read Genesis Chapter 14 verses 21 to 24.

For all you care, this may be your season of divine change. Therefore, take advantage of all your leverages. Do not leave them carelessly around for anyone to steal or trample upon. Do not trade them for pottages like Esau did his birthright. Rather, trade them for value and what God wants you to trade them for.

Add value to what you own. Value enhances your negotiation powers as you always have something better to trade in for what you need.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Give as God would Have You Give

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Sometimes, it is difficult to give to certain people, institutions, communities and nations because of their attitude and behavior. Some people, institutions and communities either do not know how to say thank you or they are just ingrates. It can be quite difficult to give to such people especially if you gave to them in the past and they did not acknowledge your gifts, did not say thank you or even treated you badly and even despised you and humiliated you like the Pharisees and Sadducees kept doing to Jesus. But remember that Jesus kept giving, kept laying down his life for the sheep until He paid the ultimate price for the release of humanity from satanic captivity. Please read Isaiah Chapter 53 verses 1 to 12.

It is only natural and human to expect good from people you have done good deeds to. Even in the workplace, it is expected of people to return favors; organizations to return favors as well as governments to return favors. That is the way of the world, do good to me and I will do good deeds to you. But in the kingdom of God, God expects His children to do good to everyone irrespective of how they respond. Please read Matthew Chapter 5 verses 38 to 48.

However, do not expect anything in return from people you do good deeds to. Rather, expect God to bless you for being a blessing to people. Otherwise, you will end up upset, angry, bitter and frustrated because there are people who always repay good with evil. Jesus Christ came to save humanity but the same humanity betrayed Him, rejected Him, despised Him, sold Him to the Romans and killed Him. To avoid such pain, do good deeds for the sake of doing good deeds because it is what you were created to do. God Who sees your acts and thoughts of good will reward you accordingly.

Additionally, refuse to be bitter by forgiving people of whatever wrongs they do to you upfront. In point of fact, let go of whatever unpleasant feelings you may have so that you do not become angry, resentful, bitter and make the mistake of progressing to hate. Esau resented the fact that Jacob stole the father’s blessings and because he did not deal with the negative emotion immediately, it progressed to a root of bitterness which culminated in hatred and the decision to kill Jacob after their father’s burial. Fortunately for Jacob, God intervened and he quickly escaped to Laban’s house.

Also, do not make demands be they spiritual, physical, mental, financial, emotional or material on anyone. Rather, ask God for what you need, even emotional support. You will always be amazed at what God will always do – pleasant surprises at all times. Jabez asked for a change of fortune to be turned around from pain to fruitfulness and prosperity. God answered him and he became fruitful and prosperous. Can you imagine what would have happened if he had asked help from people? He would have remained in pain because the truth is that humans lack the capacity to be of help to fellow humans except when God intervenes. The woman with the issue of blood turned to God and asked God for help after twelve years of fail stories from the people who supposedly could have helped her.

Give to people what God wants you to give to them and not what you think they deserve. They may not appreciate what you think they deserve. It may not even be what they need so it will be of no use to them. You also do not give people things because they need them. They may need them but will not value them so they will not care for them and ultimately they will ruin them. Besides, you may even need some of those things later and may not be able to access them.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Do Not Sell Your Birthright

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Esau sold his birthright for a plate of pottage to his younger twin brother because he was famished. Thereafter, he lost the rights to whatever benefits accrued to the first born. Why? Because he had zero regard for the birthright – he despised the birthright. Please read Hebrews Chapter 12 verses 16 to 17 and Genesis Chapter.

Birthrights may differ in today’s world; as they may not necessarily be your position at birth in the family. Your birthright may be your divine IPs divinely given to you by God to fulfill divine purpose, to be a blessing to humanity and prosper as God would have you prosper. They should therefore not be traded for bread which gets digested in a few hours and is excreted as waste from the body. Rather, they should be invested in divine purpose. Bread may not only be physical food; it could be the glitters of life such as fancy clothing, shoes, jewelry, other accessories, positions of power which do not last and do not culminate in the fulfilment of divine purpose. Take for instance a gifted singer who trades in the right to his or her music for bread and ends in penury, frustrated and who knows may turn to drugs. While his or her great voice and singing enriches the people she or he sold the rights to.

I have also seen people; wonderful godly people who pray and God answers their prayers. Rather than pray for their own needs, they keep praying that God would preserve and enrich the people who show them pity generosity and give them peanuts. The question is why not pray such prayers for yourself as Jabez did so that you can also experience a divine turn around. Please read 1st Chronicles Chapter 4 verse 9. This is not to say that you should not pray for other people – but how about investing that divine unction on yourself so that you are not dependent on the pity generosity of other people?

Years back, I invested my divine IPs, the divine unction of prayer and writing in the lives and businesses of other people until God opened my eyes of understanding especially when I cried to Him that I was not prospering. As I began to invest both unctions in my personal life and business, I began to experience divine turnaround and as I write this post, I am still on my knees asking God to increase me and my family on all sides.

Walk in Divine Wisdom

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Three things you must do to succeed

Do not chase shadows. A shadow is not merely a reflection of something in light, therefore it is not real. Chasing a shadow will therefore amount to dancing a circular dance of no progress from point A to point B. you may think you are busily engaged while in reality you are doing nothing but chasing shadows. One of the ways of chasing shadows is to be steeped in superstitious beliefs which lead you nowhere. For instance, you may entertain thoughts that certain people, communities or institutions are responsible for your challenges. So rather than confront your challenges head on; for instance getting a job or changing a job; or working hard at multiplying your sources of income; you keep pointing accusing fingers at people, institutions or communities who are spiritually or physically responsible for your challenges.

Beloved, this is 2021, the year of great things and QUALITY PRAISE to the El-SHADDAI GOD who NEVER FAILS. Therefore, SIT UP and do what needs to be done to move you up the mark in life.

You have spent too much time as well as other resources chasing shadows. In essence you have been laboring in vain because you have been laboring in vain because you have consistently lied to yourself and other people with your fairy tales of the people, communities and institutions who are supposedly spiritually responsible for the challenges.

Sing a New Song

Beloved, it is time to sing a new song, a new song, a new song of COURAGE to defy the self-imposed limitations you placed on yourself all these years because you are a frightful kitten; too scared to DARE anything and succeed at it. Perhaps ignorance is one of the reasons you are afraid to DARE to succeed. Why not make the courageous and bold effort to acquire the requisite knowledge to DARE and SUCCEED. You can succeed and should therefore make the bold effort to do so because God wired you at creation to be a SUCCESS.

Increase on all sides

SPREAD OUT, EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Rebrand You 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha


Always excel, in point of fact, strive to excel. Reject mediocrity, average, excuses. Be the one who is known for always excelling.

Be versatile as versatility gives you an edge. The more versatile you are, the more options you have to take and make quality decisions.

Be truly knowledgeable. No one likes to listen to ignorant people let alone associate with them.

Spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, intellectually, dressence, in every area of your life, speech, emotions; reject anger, haste, resentment, envy, etc.

Be civil. Civility is a mark of good upbringing, decency and civilization. Do not give people the impression that you were raised in a forest, wild and untamed by refusing to be civil.

Whatever it takes, please be sociable.  Not everyone is sociable. But please learn the ropes.

Refuse to be petty no matter who or what is involved. It is not worth it. Pettiness downgrades your brand.

Do not bully other people. Bullies have always been despised and hated irrespective of their political, economic and social standing.

Work on your accent. There is no point acquiring regality and polish and when you open your mouth to speak, you sound like the ghetto person who never had access to quality education. The truth is that accents, good accents can be cultivated. It will take you time but it will definitely yield great results. Get cultivated accents.

Be elegant, refined, polished and sophisticated in 2021 and beyond. Own and wear exclusive clothes, shoes, bags, jewelry as well as other accessories. Buy and wear investment or mid luxury accessories and if you can afford it, splash on luxe; luxe as in luxe. It is not a sin and for crying out loud; luxe actually saves money for you. They last longer and can always be traded in.

Buy quality, elegance and stature without necessarily breaking a bank. The truth is you always find rare great deals if you know where to look.

Rebrand You


Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Why You Must Rebrand Yourself

According to Jeff Bezos, your brand is what people say about you after you leave the room; your brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that accounts for a consumer’s decision to choose your product over another.

To rebrand yourself is to do a holistic internal and external reorganization of you, how you communicate, non-verbal and verbal communication, body language, the people you interact with, what you do for a living, your value systems, grooming and dressence, relationships as well as the institutions you associate with.

Discover who God says you are and envision yourself as God sees you – use your imagination. Live as God would have you live, look the way God wants you to live. Be who God created you to be. Do not try to impress anyone. Speak only what God wants you to say and do only what He wants you to do. Dress as He would have you dress and not as people would have you dress or you think you should dress.

Do away with every semblance of poverty be it spiritual, physical, mental, and financial.

Make everyone feel important, significant and relevant as well as needed. Therefore, speak, write, think, act, dress, gesticulate, speak what blesses and benefits people. Speak life to people and draw out their strengths by the grace, the great extravagant grace of God in you to do so by the Spirit of God. The Angel of the Lord referred to Gideon as the mighty man of valor, angel Gabriel said to Mary that she was highly favored amongst women.

Practice divine communication skills by always speaking the truth – Psalm 15 verses 2 to 3, Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 23, Colossians Chapter 2 verses 9 to 10. As much as possible, do not slander; do not cast slur on other people; do not complain – Numbers Chapter 11 verse 1, 12 verses 1 to 2, 1st Corinthians Chapter 10 verse 10, Exodus Chapters 16 verses 2 to 12, note verses 2, 8 and 12; 15 verses 23 to 24, 17 verses 1 to 6, Numbers Chapters 14 verses 1 to 4, 26 to 28 and 16 verses 1 to the end. Speak good things about other people irrespective of who they are and what they did to you.

 A wise person speaks with wisdom – Proverbs Chapter 31 verse 26, 1st Samuel Chapter 25 verses 14 to 35, 36 to 37, 1st Chronicles Chapter 5 verse 20, Matthew Chapter 11 verses 28 to 30, 12, Matthew Chapter 17 verse 20, 7 verses 7 to 8, 8 verses 2 to 3, Mark Chapter 11 verses 22 to 24, 25 to 26, Malachi Chapter 4 verse 3. Always speak wisely.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Accomplish Great Things 7

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Ask for and pray possibilities

No more waiting at the pool? Why? The stirring of water at the pool takes a while and even then only one person can be healed. This meant that the many sick people had to wait their turns either patiently or impatiently. Please read John Chapter 5 verses 1 to 9. The Bible even records that a certain man sick man had been there for thirty eight years. But one day, Jesus Christ showed up at the pool and the pain, shame, humiliation, helplessness, lack of any form of resources came to and as the man was completely made whole by Jesus Christ.

Beloved, Jesus Christ is the gateway to any form of possibility that you desire. He is the answer to the many questions in your mental processes that are begging to be answered. All you require is a divine encounter with Jesus Christ, a divine touch from Him. You can initiate that encounter today, even now by simply surrendering the totality of your being to Him so that you become a brand new creature in Jesus Christ or like the woman with the issue of blood, you can quickly touch the hem of His garment and be made completely whole.

It is true that Jesus Christ is not physically here for you to touch the hem of His garment. But you can do so spiritually, first by establishing a relationship with Him through salvation by faith in Christ Jesus and then asking Him in prayer to lead you to all the possibilities God prepared for you before you were born. Please read Jeremiah Chapter 1 verses 1 to 10.

Beloved, do not be afraid to ask for possibilities.

Jabez was born with a lot of minuses but Jabez chose to see possibilities. So rather than throw a pity party blaming his suffering on his mother, Jabez chose to talk to God and ask for a manifestation of the possibilities he had envisioned and seen. The Bible records that Jabez walked in, lived and enjoyed those possibilities for the rest of his life. Please read 1st Chronicles Chapter 4 verses 9 and 10.

Jacob would have remained Laban’s slave for the rest of his life. But the possibilities of the greater tomorrow he saw inspired him to raise his own flock despite Laban’s consistent craftiness and deception. Please read Genesis Chapters 30 verses 25 to 43, 31 verses 1 to 13.

Women in biblical Israel would have probably remained without any inheritance rights but for the daughters of Zelophehad who saw the possibilities of them inheriting their father’s land. As they presented their case intelligently to Moses and the leadership of Israel, God intervened in their case and authorized Moses to allow them inherit what would have been their father’s inheritance if he was alive when the land was shared amongst his brothers.

If Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Micah and Tirzah, the five daughters of Zelophehad had not seen the possibilities of becoming landowners through inheriting their father’s portion, they would not have dared to approach Moses and the leadership of Israel to grant them the inheritance due to their father despite not having a biological brother. Please read Numbers Chapter 27 verses 1 to 11.

Therefore, do not wait endlessly like the man at the pool of Bethseda before making a move. Make your move in unceasing prayers to God – James Chapter 5 verses 13 to 18, Philippians Chapter 4 verses 6 to 7, Luke Chapter 18 verses 1 to 8, Matthew Chapter 7 verses 7 to 11, 1st Kings Chapter 18 verses 41 to 46.

Accomplish Great Things 6

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Ask for and pray possibilities

Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery. Psalm 2 verses 8 to 9, NIV, Women’s Devotional Bible.

Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking (reverently) and (the door) will be opened to you. For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking  (the door) will be opened. Or what man is there of you, if his son asks him for a loaf of bread, will hand him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will hand him a serpent? If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good and advantageous gifts to your children, how much more will your Father Who is in heaven (perfect as He is) give good and advantageous things to those who keep asking Him! Mathew Chapter 7 verses 7 to 11, Amplified.

And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;  Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:  And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.  And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;  Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.  And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.  And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?  I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Luke Chapter 18 verses 1 to 8, KJV.

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. 1st John Chapter 5 verses 14 and 15, NKJV.

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations for ever and ever,  Ephesians Chapter 3 verse 20, NIV, Women's Devotional Bible.

Ask me and I will tell you some remarkable secrets about what is going to happen here. Jeremiah Chapter 33 verse 3, NLT.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Accomplish Great Things 5

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Meditate possibilities

While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease. Genesis Chapter 8 verse 22, NKJV.

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich. 2nd Corinthians Chapter 8 verse 9, NKJV.

God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: that power belongs to God. Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy; for You render to each one according to his work. Psalm 62 verses 11 to 12, NKJV.

But forget all that – it is nothing compared to what I'm going to do! for I'm going to do a brand new thing. See, I have already begun!  Don't you see it? I will make a road through the wilderness of the world for my people to go home, and create rivers for them in the desert!  Isaiah Chapter 43 verses 18 and 19, TLB, The Family Devotions Bible.

And you will live in Israel, the land I gave your ancestors long ago. You will be my people, and I will be your God. I will cleanse you of your filthy behavior. I will give you good crops, and I will abolish famine in the land. I will give you great harvests from your fruit trees and fields, and never again will the surrounding nations be able to scoff at your land for its famines. Ezekiel Chapter 36 verses 28 to 30, NLT.

God blessed them and told them, “Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals. Genesis Chapter 1 verse 28, NLT.

You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly. The streams of God are filled with water to provide the people with grain, for so you have ordained it. You drench its furrows and level its ridges; you soften it with showers and bless its crops. You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance. The grasslands of the desert overflow; the hills are clothed with gladness. The meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are mantled with grain; they shout for joy and sing. Psalm 65 verses 9 to 13, NIV, Women’s Devotional Bible.

You, O God, sent a plentiful rain, whereby You confirmed your inheritance, when it was weary. Psalm 68 verse 9, NKJV.

Accomplish Great Things 4

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Engage possibilities

They said, the hill country is not enough for us, and the Canaanites in the lowlands around Bethshan and the valley of Jezreel have iron chariots – they are too strong for us. Then Joshua said to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, the descendants of Joseph, since you are so large and strong, you will be given more than one portion. The forests of the hill country will be yours as well. Clear as much of the land as you wish and live there. And I am sure you can drive out the Canaanites from the valleys, too even though they are strong and have iron chariots. Joshua Chapter 17 verses 16 to 18, NLT.

Now Jacob took for himself rods of green poplar and of the almond and chestnut trees, peeled white strips in them, and exposed the white which was in the rods. And the rods which he had peeled, he set before the flocks in the gutters, in the watering troughs where the flocks came to drink, so that they should conceive when they came to drink. So the flocks conceived before the rods, and the flocks brought forth streaked, speckled, and spotted. Then Jacob separated the lambs, and made the flocks face toward the streaked and all the brown in the flock of Laban; but he put his own flocks by themselves and did not put them with Laban's flock. And it came to pass, whenever the stronger livestock conceived, that Jacob placed the rods before the eyes of the livestock in the gutters, that they might conceive among the rods.  But when the flocks were feeble, he did not put them in; so the feebler were Laban's and the stronger Jacob's. Thus the man became exceedingly prosperous, and had large flocks, female and male servants, and camels and donkeys.  Genesis Chapter 30 verses 37 to 43, NKJV.

But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me. 1st Corinthians Chapter 16 verses 8 and 9, NIV, Women’s Devotional Bible.

But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Now God had caused the official to show favor and sympathy to Daniel. Daniel Chapter 1 verses 8 to 9 NIV, Women’s Devotional Bible. But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Now God had caused the official to show favor and sympathy to Daniel. Daniel Chapter 1 verses 8 to 9 NIV, Women’s Devotional Bible.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Accomplish Great Things 3

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Envision possibilities

For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. Luke Chapter 1 verse 37, Amplified.

See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Revelation Chapter 3 verses 6 to 8, NKJV.

He replied, “God can do what men can't. Luke Chapter 18 verse 27, TLB, The Family Devotions Bible.

See possibilities

In times of disaster they will not wither, in days of famine they will enjoy plenty. Psalm 37 verse 19, NIV, Women's Devotional Bible.

If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand. I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed. Psalm 37 verses 23 to 25, NIV, Women's Devotional Bible.

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit, and his Spirit searches out everything and shows us even God’s deep secrets. 1st Corinthians Chapter 2 verses 9 to 10, NLT.

Please read Genesis Chapters 13 verses 14 to 18, 28 verses 13 to 15, 32 verses 9 to 10, 35 verses 9 to 13.

Speak possibilities

For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Philippians Chapter 4 verse 13, NLT.

But Jesus beheld [them], and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. Matthew Chapter 19 verse 26, Mark Chapter 10 verse 27.


Think possibilities

For Jehovah God is our Light and our Protector. He gives us grace and glory. No good thing will he withhold from those who walk along his paths.  O, Lord of the armies of heaven, blessed are those who trust in you. Psalm 84 verses 11 to 12, TLB, The Family Devotions Bible.

Yes, the Lord pours down his blessings on the land, and it yields its bountiful crops.  Psalm 85 verse 12, TLB, The Family Devotions Bible.

Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the LORD has helped us. 1st Samuel Chapter 7 verse 12 NKJV.

Worship the God of possibilities so that you can stretch your imagination, expand your mental processes and mental capacity to see beyond your present location; capacities whether spiritual, physical, mental, financial, marital and see into God’s plans and purposes of expansion and increase for you. It is time to move beyond your present position to expand, spread and increase to where God wants you to be.

What a year, with all the possibilities for consistent upgrade, enhancement and uplifitment in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Accomplish Great Things 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Always add a touch of class, a touch of beauty, prestige, good taste, sophistication and appeal to whatever you do or won. That gives it aesthetic appeal, posh and power as well as great monetary value.

Enhance your skillset and if need be, expand them. Expand and heighten your knowledge base. Associate with value – people who will give you the required leverages you need to get to where you should be.

Always respect the awesome sanctifying Holy Presence of the Holy Spirit in your life at all times.

Make Bible reading, Bible study, worship, prayer, fellowship with God a part of you so that it becomes second nature to you. You do it because it is what you have to do; like breathing in air. It is not doing it because of the attendant blessings or fear of being punished by God if you do not do it. It becomes the very air you breathe.

No tattling – there is no need for it. It is not necessary. Rather, MEDITATE on the WORD of GOD. This means that you should always have a very RICH DEPOSIT of the WORD of God in your heart. Beloved, FFED, ALWAYS FEED FAT on the WORD of GOD and ASK the HOLY SPIRIT to help you understand the WORD of GOD. Spend and invest quality time doing this every day.

Walk in divine wisdom. No more trying to outpace or outrun the enemy and his cohorts in your own strength. Remember the story of the hare and the tortoise. Allow the enemy and his cohorts to wear themselves out warring while you nestle in God, the Man of war, the Lord Who is strong and  mighty in battle, Who does not lose any battle. Always remember that the battle is the Lord’s.

Mind your business so that you can make meaningful progress in life. Busy body and meddling do not take anyone anywhere. Even if you are blessed with the gift of pointing people in the right direction, do so only as you are led by the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, keep mum.

Flee every appearance of sin – you do not need it no matter who is involved. Choose God’s ways and timing at all times. That way, you will not grieve the Holy Spirit and sin against God.

Avoid conflicts as much as possible. You do not need them especially the ones designed to make you unhappy and despondent.

Accomplish Great Things

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God is the only One Who does great things and He will do great things for you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. He will definitely help you to accomplish great things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, follow Christ and not people, not a person, not an ideology, opinion, or belief systems that are contrary to Christ. Following Christ will lead you to and give you salvation, redemption, deliverance, sanctification, justification. It will give you guidelines and direction for living a truly fulfilled life in Christ Jesus. You need Christ at all times to clear your mental processes of all fogs so that you can see clearly to walk in divine direction at all times.

Walking in divine direction will help you access the hidden riches of secret places, the right information as to where the secret places are. Significantly, such information must come from God as wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Please read Hosea Chapter 4 verse 6, Isaiah Chapter 5 verse 13, Proverbs Chapter 8, Daniel Chapters 2 verses 16 to 23 and 1 verse 17.

Jesus Chris is the light that is required to access whatever treasures are in the dark. The light required is the light of God to give clear specific direction – John Chapters 1 verses 1 to 9; 12 verses 35 to 36, 44 to 46.

Take directions from God, the Holy Spirit and His Word. Do not permit people or circumstances to give you direction. Let God alone give you direction and you will get to your Canaan. If Hannah had allowed Peninah to give her direction, she would have remained a wailing woman, who would probably die childless but because she took direction from God, she became a mother of children. If teenage David had allowed lofty boastful words of Goliath to give him direction, he would have become paralyzed by fear like the army of Israel who set out to fight the Philistines but lost their confidence because of the boasts and taunts of Goliath.