Friday, April 30, 2021

Walk in Divine Wisdom

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Three things you must do to succeed

Do not chase shadows. A shadow is not merely a reflection of something in light, therefore it is not real. Chasing a shadow will therefore amount to dancing a circular dance of no progress from point A to point B. you may think you are busily engaged while in reality you are doing nothing but chasing shadows. One of the ways of chasing shadows is to be steeped in superstitious beliefs which lead you nowhere. For instance, you may entertain thoughts that certain people, communities or institutions are responsible for your challenges. So rather than confront your challenges head on; for instance getting a job or changing a job; or working hard at multiplying your sources of income; you keep pointing accusing fingers at people, institutions or communities who are spiritually or physically responsible for your challenges.

Beloved, this is 2021, the year of great things and QUALITY PRAISE to the El-SHADDAI GOD who NEVER FAILS. Therefore, SIT UP and do what needs to be done to move you up the mark in life.

You have spent too much time as well as other resources chasing shadows. In essence you have been laboring in vain because you have been laboring in vain because you have consistently lied to yourself and other people with your fairy tales of the people, communities and institutions who are supposedly spiritually responsible for the challenges.

Sing a New Song

Beloved, it is time to sing a new song, a new song, a new song of COURAGE to defy the self-imposed limitations you placed on yourself all these years because you are a frightful kitten; too scared to DARE anything and succeed at it. Perhaps ignorance is one of the reasons you are afraid to DARE to succeed. Why not make the courageous and bold effort to acquire the requisite knowledge to DARE and SUCCEED. You can succeed and should therefore make the bold effort to do so because God wired you at creation to be a SUCCESS.

Increase on all sides

SPREAD OUT, EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Increase in the knowledge and understanding of the word of God as well as the application of the word of God to everyday real life situations; increase in my knowledge and understanding of God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit as well as the plans and purposes of God for my life. Father, please help me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Knowledge empowers and transforms– Colossians Chapter 3 verse 10,

Knowledge liberates – Isaiah Chapter 5 verse 13

The absence of knowledge is darkness – Isaiah Chapter 9 verses 1 to 7, Luke Chapter 1 verses 77 to 79.

People whom God blessed with knowledge

Daniel, Shedrach, Meshach and Abdnego – Daniel Chapter 1 verses 17 to 20, 5 verses 11 to 16.

Bezalel and Oholiab – Exodus Chapters 35 verses 30 to 35, 36 verses 1 to 3, 31 verses 1 to 11

King Solomon – 2nd Chronicles Chapters 1 verses 6 to 12, 9 verses 5 to 7, 22 to 23, 1st Kings Chapters 3 verses 9 to 15, 28, 4 verses 29 to 34, 10 verses 6 to 9, 23 to 29.

Significantly and instructively, God is the God of knowledge – 1st Samuel Chapter 2 verse Embedded in you are all the things you need to succeed. Do not hesitate to take the bold step to dare into the limitless opportunities God has for you in 2021 and beyond to succeed. God bless you as you do so in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.

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