Saturday, July 25, 2020

Bridle Your Desires and Emotions 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Absalom was proud, arrogant and lusted greatly for the throne. He did not have the decency to await the death of his father before attempting to become King. Additionally, he was a crafty young man who deployed deceit to usurp the throne. He died in the process and his father, King David outlived him. It was the same deceit he deployed in killing Amnon. Absalom was an untruthful person, who harbored malice against people who hurt him.
David was extremely disciplined and much loved by God. Yet, he lost it when he saw Bathsheba’s naked body. David had no business being at home at that period. But that was not the main issue. He could have said no to whatever desires he had for Bathsheba after he discovered that she was the wife of one his soldiers who was fighting at a war he should have led. Yet, David did what he should not have done just so he could have Bathsheba. He murdered Bathsheba’s husband. But God Who always sees what people do in the most secret of places saw it all and judged David immediately.

Miriam, great woman, great big sister to Moses, and the first prophetess in Israel. Yet, for a split second, she spoke rashly against Moses probably because she was upset with him. God heard and punished her with leprosy. 
Aaron also sinned alongside Miriam and was also punished.
Moses, referred to as a very meek man and the prophet with whom God spoke face to face lost it in a moment of great rage. He broke the tablets containing the Ten Commandments written by God. He also struck the rock instead of speaking to it and also referred to the people of God as rebels. God was unhappy with Moses.

Beloved, desires and emotions can be bridled, not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God. Severally, the religious leaders of the day stretched the patience of Jesus Christ hoping that Jesus would sin the process so they would have something to hold against Him. But Jesus, led by and controlled by the Holy Spirit did not fall into any of such carefully orchestrated traps.
You may argue that Jesus is God.  How about Joseph who resisted the wiles of Potiphar’s wife! Though he suffered an unjust prison sentence, everything later worked for his good as prison became a springboard to meeting with Pharaoh through Pharaoh’s butler who also served time in the same prison as Joseph.
A young person, including families, communities and nations who live according to the word of God will keep their ways pure; receive understanding from God and not end up like the people devoid of understanding who chose not to bridle their desires and emotions.

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