Thursday, July 9, 2020

Break the Ceiling

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
Break the ceiling over your head, your life no matter what it is. Ceilings should be broken when they become a stumbling block to progress. A ceiling over a person’s life may not necessarily be the physical ceiling placed in houses to shield the direct heat of the sun on the roof from the house.

A ceiling may be a person’s attitude, character or behavior. Issachar was initially content to serve as a slave because he saw a pleasant land. The pleasantness of the land made him lose interest in moving to his own land, his own place of divine purpose where he was divinely ordained to serve as a leader in Israel; providing divine direction to the people to carry out divine purpose following divine timing. But Issachar preferred the pleasant land. Unfortunately, Issachar’s preference put a ceiling on him and his descendants and they became a band of slaves in the pleasant land.
However, slavery must have opened his eyes to the huge divine potential and responsibility of leadership placed on him from the foundation of the world. Fortunately, he woke up to from the slumber of death to divine purpose, broke the ceiling of slavery and moved on the leadership position destined for him from the foundation of the world. He became a leader, had an in depth understanding of the times and urged Israel to do what the nation ought to do at a specific time. Please read Genesis Chapter 49 verses 14 to 15 and 1st Chronicles Chapter 12 verse 32.
Unfortunately, Esau did not understand his inability to deal with unbridled emotions. His absolute lack of self-control was the self-imposed ceiling he put on himself that made him lose the leadership role he should have played. He sold his birthright because he was hungry. In essence, he sold his birthright for a non-asset, a bowl of porridge that would digest in a few hours and be excreted out of the body as waste and a fresh wave of hunger would start.

Beloved, Esau lacked personal discipline, lacked an understanding of divine roles and responsibilities and therefore could not function as a leader. That explains why the Bible refers to him as a profane person in Hebrews Chapter 12 verses 15 to 17. Please read also Genesis Chapter 25 verses 29 to 34 for an account of how he sold his birthright.  He was a bread person – stomach infrastructure, physical pleasures were more important to him than divine purpose and spiritual responsibilities. His lack of discipline put ceilings on him. He lost the birthright as well as the attendant blessings. Also, despite the fact that he was the one who lived in Canaan while Jacob sojourned in Padan Aram for over twenty years; and also that he had become rich, it is very significant and instructive that he was the one who moved out of Canaan when Jacob returned and the land could no longer take the two of them because they had both become very wealthy and had large possessions.
Beloved,you can break whatever ceiling is limiting you with the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ paid the full price for whatever character defects the enemy is using to ensure that you do not enter into divine purpose or the fullness of divine purpose. Beloved, God has given to you all that pertains to godliness so that you can manifest fully and be who God wants you to be. Therefore, arise and walk in divine purpose.
Joseph was not only disciplined. He feared God, hated evil and ran away from evil. Though he suffered unjustly for doing so, he fulfilled divine purpose; was highly successful and wealthy; even in a strange land where he supposedly had no leverages. And because he feared and honored God in all his dealings, God gave him limitless leverages which placed him above everyone in Egypt except Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. From prison, Joseph rose to become number two person in the land of Egypt. That can also be your story. Shalom.

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