Friday, May 22, 2020

Exercise Dominion

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

At creation, God blessed Adam and Eve. Part of the blessing was for them to manage the abundant resources they were blessed with optimally by multiplying the resources to compound them into overflowing abundance and prosperity as well as exercising dominion over anything on the surface of the earth.

Beloved, this implies that God blessed them with power to take charge and rule over any creature on planet earth – Land, Sea and in the air. That way, nothing would stand in their pathway as they worked at being fruitful; multiplying the abundant resources at their disposal into overflowing abundance. This suggests that God prepared them ahead of challenges by issuing the command to exercise dominion as part of the blessing. In other words, God capacitated them to take charge over any challenge that would show up. But Adam and Eve missed this point when Eve capitulated to the wiles of the enemy and Adam followed suit. In the process, they lost the divine authority to exercise dominion over any creature on earth as well as manage the resources of the earth to overflowing abundance.

Fortunately, Jesus Christ restored this power and gave it back to as many as would walk with Him.

God created man to subdue and exercise dominion but unfortunately, not everyone is able to do so. Nothing ought to limit a believer’s progress in life because you are created in the image of God to function in the realm of unlimited possibilities. The life of Gideon speaks of the possibilities in a life connected to God regardless of how low the background may be. Gideon believed he was an insignificant person until God came to Gideon and declared him to be a mighty man of valor. Gideon was afraid of the enemy but when God intervened in the life of Gideon by speaking of His divine possibilities deposited in Gideon from the foundation of the world, Gideon routed out the same people he was afraid of.

Beloved, God is with you and you are a mighty man or woman of valor designed to do exploits and take nations for God.  You are a champion, a success story, a billionaire celebrated globally and relevant to humanity. You will rise to initiate the process which will bring about the transformation you require to take over nations for God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Therefore, do not permit fear in your mental processes as the enemy uses fear to paralyze your creativity. Do not also allow your present circumstances to bother you as they do not change who you are and have nothing to do with what God says about you. Please read Isaiah Chapter 41 verses 10 to 16 and 49 verses 24 to 25 as well as Judges Chapter 6 verses 11 to 16.  The things which you are afraid of are afraid of God and because God is with you, they are also afraid of you.

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