Monday, February 10, 2020

You Will Succeed

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You are a strong brand. You can make it. You can succeed. You are a billionaire. Therefore, sidestep the limitations. The truth is that you can actually turn the limitations, challenges, obstacles, what appear to be barriers into opportunities and stepping stones through what you do with your divine gifts. You can leverage these to succeed and make wealth.

You also have a great audience, the great props, advantages of the internet and great devices with which you should be in constant communication with the great audience God blessed you with. Beloved, it is time to rise out of slumber and COMMUNICATE. ENGAGE your audience in the different platforms you are known in. You can use social media platforms as e-retail shops, pulpits, information sharing hubs, networking and collaboration platforms from where you can direct people to your services and products, etc.

Acquire celebrity status if need be and use it to great  advantage as a designer, educationist, scientist, chef, writer, development person, Minister of the gospel and fashionista and whatever good name there is – stylist, clothes, jewelry or accessories line. The point being made is increase, make progress and stop looking for mentors and leaders when you should be mentoring and leading people.

It is ironic that you have been looking for mentors when in reality God created you a mentor and has painstakingly worked at making you a mentor. Pray that God would help you to be strong and fulfill purpose; and help you to stop the endless search for strong people, strong institutions and build your own strong and valuable brand given you from the foundation of the world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Work smart and hard at gaining and maintain global visibility. How do you achieve global visibility? By positioning yourself globally just as people who set cities on hills do so on purpose. They deliberately and strategically position cities on hill for reasons that could range from security to safety, visibility and what have you. In like manner, you have to strategically position yourself, services and products on global platforms where you can be seen or heard clearly and visibly. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden – seek strategic positioning and take vantage positions that God created for you from the foundation of the world.

Showcase your God given pearls. Do not be intimidated. Enhance their quality and keep showcasing them. You never can tell who is watching and taking notes. Do not ever give up. Victory is just around the corner.

Take on positive mindsets to succeed. To succeed in life, you must let go of your emotions and always do what God wants you to do at the time He wants you to do it. That way, you walk in divine timing and achieve by the Spirit of God. I recall when God opened my eyes of understanding to the fact that I was investing His grace in my life in the fields of other people. I repented and asked God for the grace and wisdom to invest in my God given field of Olives International. God has been faithful and I am grateful to Him knowing that His very best for my life and Olives International is yet to come.

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