Thursday, December 12, 2019

Move to Rehoboth NOW

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Rehoboth is the place of great fruitfulness; increase, refreshing still waters and opportunities. Rehoboth is the land of divine opportunities patiently waiting for you. Your Rehoboth is a city set on a hill which cannot be hidden. Your Rehoboth is where global visibility, significance and relevance awaits you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Global visibility and fame is for the purpose of feeding the lambs of God, tending the sheep of God and feeding the sheep of God. It is not to celebrate you but the great grace of God upon your life.

Significantly, your Rehoboth is a place free of limitations,, spite, ill will, hatred, envy and wickedness so that you can expand and make progress as God would have you progress. The Philistines clogged the wells in order to spite Isaac. If they had a need for the wells, they would not have clogged them with dirt and debris. Rather, they would have used the water for profitable agricultural and even nonagricultural activities.

Spite is a tool of the enemy used by his human agents to avert or slow down the plans and purposes of God for a believer’s life. There are quite a number of instances of such in the Bible. Spite is used by the enemy to wound a person’s spirit through humiliation whether in public or private. The intent is to incapacitate the person from moving forward.

Peninah for instance already had children and enjoyed her husband’s wealth and therefore had no business mocking Hannah who had none then. Yet, Peninah consistently used spite against Hannah by ridiculing and mocking Hannah daily simply because Hannah had not had children then. Though Peninah succeeded and made Hannah’s life miserable, it was only for a while because one day, God opened the eyes of Hannah to who she – a daughter of Zion. Thereafter, Hannah dried her tears and took her case to the God of all creation Who said that none would be barren in His house. Hannah became the mother of children named in Elkanah’s genealogy. Significantly, not one of the many children of Peninah were mentioned in the genealogy of Elkanah.

The brothers of Joseph attempted to kill Joseph not because his death would bring them any relief from their envy but to spite Joseph. The brothers of Joseph later sold him as a slave to Midianite traders; not because they needed the money but because they wanted to spite Joseph in order to stop his dreams from coming to pass. Unknown to them, their evil intent against Joseph which were all borne out of spite would ultimately take Joseph to his dreams. Divinely, God orchestrated the sale of Joseph by the Midianite traders to Potiphar, a high Egyptian official in Egypt. Though Joseph eventually served an unjust prison sentence in Egypt, everything worked out for his good as he eventually got to his Rehoboth; heads above the older siblings who did not want him to succeed.

Travel light as you travel to Rehoboth so that you do not carry burdens that God did not design for you to carry. This is because such burdens will slow you down and even make you lose focus and who knows, you may decide to discontinue the journey to Rehoboth. Therefore, drop the dead weights of unnecessary emotional baggage against people who ill-treated you. Jesus Christ is the perfect example to look up to. The same people He came to set free insulted Him, ridiculed Him and crucified Him yet He forgave them. Joseph also forgave his siblings. Rehoboth and not what people did to you or said to you is your destination. Therefore travel light and fast. God grant speed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.

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