Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Pathways to Global Influence and Impact

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Influence flows from impact while impact flows from adding value to the lives of people. Adding value to the lives of people flows from serving the purpose of God for your life because it is in serving the purpose of God for your life that you enrich the lives of the people you are called to serve. Actually, your life is also enriched as you enrich the lives of other people which explain why to a very large extent, the quality of your life is the positive impact you make on humanity.

The Biblical Joseph for instance could dream, great big dreams. But until he started interpreting dreams, he was a dreamer who was sold into slavery, a servant of Potiphar and much later a prisoner. But it was the ability to interpret dreams that took him out of prison to the palace. If Joseph had refused to speak up, to care about his fellow prisoners and refused to interpret the dreams of the baker and the butler, he would have probably died in prison, unknown and unsung. But because he deployed his gift to enhance the quality of lives of his fellow prisoners, the value of the gift was enhanced and qualified him to stand before Pharaoh so the gift could be deployed for the service of the global community of his day. Joseph ensured food security for more than seven years and became a global brand and household name.

Beloved, it is instructive that continuous deployment of your gift to serve humanity actually enhances the value of your gift. Therefore, take a quality decision today to deploy your gift for the improvement of the quality of lives of other people and be a blessing with high value gifts which qualify you to stand before kings and not mere people.

Also, it will be worth your while to consistently enhance the value of what God blessed you with. It is the value additions you bring in to what God blessed you with that enhances and ups your net worth as a person, a family, a community, a Church, institution, etc. If you leave your gifts in the raw state in which God blessed you with them, they may not command much value. But if you enhance the value by polishing and deploying them to benefit humanity, to give people the best option they could get from using your brand, then you have placed premium value on your brand. A classic example is the biblical Daniel who was the best of the brightest minds in Babylon and Persia. His administrative prowess and excellence made him get to the top. He was a global brand and you can also be same if you consistently enhance the value of your brand.

As you desire and seek global influence and impact, the questions you should urgently find answers to are:

What is the driving force behind whatever you do – is it in line with the will of God or to please yourself, monetary consideration, display of power, quest for power? What informs your decision on any issue; is it the plans and purposes of God for your life which will take and put you on the pathways to global impact and influence or your quest for personal acclaim? Is God leading you or you are leading yourself? For instance, what informs your choice of relationships, job, income generating activities, utterances, etc? Is it the will of God for your life and the desire to accomplish the will of God for your life and therefore fulfill purpose; or is it to pander to pecuniary rewards in which case monetary consideration is the reason for doing what you do? Could it also be because you want to impress people, you do not want to hurt some people; or you want to prove your spiritual, mental and physical prowess? Some of these desires can actually lead a person to self imposed slavery rather than creating a valuable brand. While the choice and decision is actually yours, I plead with you by the mercies of God to consider some examples.

I suggest you pray this prayer, Father, please show me mercy and help me, Lord so that at all times, I am fulfilling divine purpose by Your Spirit, Lord in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.  No more slavery on account of taking on jobs, activities, partnerships because of monetary considerations because from now on, the will of God will always be the primary consideration for what I have to do. No more jumping into anything no matter who is involved.                                        

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