Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Receive Strength 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

In Acts Chapter 3 verses 1 to 9, and 16,  note verse 7, the Bible records that the feet and ankle bones of the lame man received strength and the man who had never walked from birth leaped up, stood and walked and entered the temple with Peter and John, walking, leaping and praising God.

Beloved, God is awesome. This man was daily laid at the gate of the temple called Beautiful to ask for alms. So close to the temple yet he had never been inside of the temple. Daily, he saw people go into the temple to transact real business with God, worship God, ask God for forgiveness, cleansing, healing, deliverance, provision, promotion, wealth, favor, children, peace in their personal, family, community and national lives; academic excellence and prowess, military prowess and success, you name it; yet he had never seen the inside of the temple. He had never come close to transacting business with God yet God was so near, was with him, sitting by and with him all the time, waiting for him to transact quality business, real business with God but Mr. Lame from birth knew and understood only one business; unfortunately the business which did not move him from point A to B; but kept him stuck in a spot where he daily lived on and at the mercy of those whose hearts responded to his daily pleas for alms.

He lived for and on the mercy and compassion of people – without alms; he could probably never survive simply because there was no strength in his feet and ankle bones. His entire life was subject to the mercy and compassion of humans and knowing that humans are sometimes subject to fickle mindedness and vindictiveness, the man’s daily bread was not always guaranteed. So his mental processes were always fixated on alms; let someone bless me with, please forgive my choice of words – peanuts to go through today. That is just all that I need today. After all, I will be back here tomorrow and someone will give me what I need tomorrow.
Pathetic and tragic is the fact that his mental processes could not rise beyond asking for alms on a daily basis to survive each day. But all that came to an abrupt end when God through Jesus Christ working through the Holy Spirit in the Apostle Peter intervened in the situation. 

The Apostle Peter prompted by the Holy Spirit ignored the lame man’s plea for alms and gave him healing and total deliverance from being lame and beggarly to being strong and wealthy. In one day, in an instant, he rose from the place of being lame, of being carried to beg, from being a beggar to someone who could stand and walk on his own, leaping and praising God; bidding eternal goodbye to lameness, beggarliness, lack and poverty occasioned by his former state. He was now a strong able bodied man who could earn a living; who could daily move from point A to B to engage in economic activities and who knows, engage in a marital relationship and have his own family and contribute meaningfully to society and development. He was no longer dependent on the mercy of people to carry him to the temple gate to beg; and to give him alms. He was now physically, spiritually, mentally and economically independent to live a beautiful life of praising God from Whom all blessings flow. His life was no longer the daily grind of begging for alms at the beautiful gate. His life was now beautiful and he did not have to be at the beautiful gate.

Beloved, I have no idea what situation assails you but what I am definitely sure of is that you can receive strength, divine strength from God to overcome that situation and be the victor God created you to be. Please read Ephesians Chapter 3 verses 14 to 21, 6 verse 10, Acts Chapters 15 verse 32, 18 verse 23, and Isaiah Chapter 50 verses 4 to 5. It was the absence of strength in the feet and ankle bones of the lame man that kept him in that situation for years. But the moment God restored His divine strength in the feet and ankle bones of the lame man, he rose above that situation. You can also rise above whatever situation assails you if only you will willingly receive divine strength from God in whatever area of your life which requires strength.

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