Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Deal with Fear

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The enemy of mankind has consistently used fear to hold nations and the peoples of the nations in captivity.

Fear incapacitates, cripples and sets limitations on people – individuals and families; and institutions and nations. Fear can bring about self-imposed limitations. But these limitations can be easily removed from the lives of people through Jesus Christ, the Son of God Who came to set the captives free, free from the limitations imposed upon them by the enemy. Beloved, Jesus is still in the business of removing limitations from the lives of people including the ones imposed by fear.

The ten spies who garaged themselves in the wilderness because of their wrong perception, wrong mindsets which made them doubt the word of God did so because they were afraid.  They were afraid of the size of the inhabitants of the land, the infrastructure and level of development they saw in the land. The ten spies saw themselves as grasshoppers before the people whom they described as giants. Consequently, they refused to take on the people. They imposed limitations on themselves and did not get to the Promised Land.

Moses complained about his self-imposed limitations to God when God informed him that he had been divinely assigned the task of bringing the people of Israel out of Egypt. There was definitely no justification for Moses’ self-imposed limitations. He was schooled in all the wisdom of Egypt and was also described as powerful in speech and action. Yet when it came time to fulfill purpose, he complained about who he was to stand before Pharaoh and that he was slow of speech. Please read Acts Chapter 7 verse 22. Why? Because he had suffered rejection at the hands of his own people who he attempted to help. If his own people rejected him; how much more would Pharaoh and his court; and how was he to return to the same people who rejected him in the past? Had their feelings about him changed? And how would Pharaoh and his court receive him considering that he was wanted for murder in Egypt? However, despite these self-doubts, God was with Moses and because God was with him; he was not only able to stand before Pharaoh, he also went to his people and communicated God’s intention to liberate His people from slavery and captivity in Egypt.

Beloved, do not permit self-imposed limitations on yourself on account of whatever negative experiences you had in the past. The same Moses who was rejected by his own people led the same people out of Egypt after standing before Pharaoh and his court. Therefore, do away with self-imposed limitations. You do not need them.

Beloved, self-imposed limitations are extremely dangerous, in point of fact more dangerous than externally imposed ones. This is because to a very large extent; they can only be removed by you who allowed them in the first place. The self-imposed ones should therefore be removed by you. You can and should do so by taking on new thought processes about you based on the truth of the word of God about you. This is because a person cannot rise above his or her thought processes. What a person cannot perceive cannot be processed by the person. What a person sees is then important and matters a great deal. A person who cannot perceive wealth cannot process wealth because it is way beyond his or her thought processes.

Caleb and Joshua saw themselves differently. They believed that God was with them and had empowered them to inherit the land. They lived long enough to enter and enjoy the Promised Land.

Saul who later became Paul also saw himself differently after the encounter with Jesus Christ and boldly declared that he could do all things through Christ. He took on nations for Christ despite the fierce opposition to his ministry accompanied on a number of times by severe beatings, hunger, and hatred as well as near death situations. Paul was never deterred. He was never afraid. He kept holding on, fighting to the finish.






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