Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Deal with Fear 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha 

Goliath for instance succeeded in immobilizing the very prepared and determined army of Israel who came out against the Philistine army. For forty days and forty nights, Goliath hurled insults, ridicule and threats against the army of Israel and yet, no one could rise against him. Unfortunately for Goliath, David, a mere teenager who was unschooled in professional warfare showed up and rather than be intimidated like the professional soldiers was infuriated by Goliath’s taunts. David then challenged Goliath to a fight. Why? Because  King Saul and his soldiers saw a killer giant because Goliath had used intimidating size, words and human weapons of war to instill deep seated fear in them. But David saw an uncircumcised Philistine whom he could bring down by the power of God in minutes. Thus began the war of words – David deployed the word of God while Goliath continued boasting. 

Unknown to Goliath and his countrymen, the word of God always accomplishes divine purpose.

Therefore, make and take conscious deliberate efforts to retrain your mind on the Word of God as commanded by Scriptures in Romans Chapter 12 verses 1 to 2. That way, your mental processes can work in line with the will and divine plans and purposes of God for your life; and you will not be afraid. You will be as bold as a lion. You will be able to process divine ideas to advantage. Significantly, your renewed mind will easily access the blessings of God stated in His word for you. Please read Proverbs Chapter 23 verse 7.

Deal with Fear

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The enemy of mankind has consistently used fear to hold nations and the peoples of the nations in captivity.

Fear incapacitates, cripples and sets limitations on people – individuals and families; and institutions and nations. Fear can bring about self-imposed limitations. But these limitations can be easily removed from the lives of people through Jesus Christ, the Son of God Who came to set the captives free, free from the limitations imposed upon them by the enemy. Beloved, Jesus is still in the business of removing limitations from the lives of people including the ones imposed by fear.

The ten spies who garaged themselves in the wilderness because of their wrong perception, wrong mindsets which made them doubt the word of God did so because they were afraid.  They were afraid of the size of the inhabitants of the land, the infrastructure and level of development they saw in the land. The ten spies saw themselves as grasshoppers before the people whom they described as giants. Consequently, they refused to take on the people. They imposed limitations on themselves and did not get to the Promised Land.

Moses complained about his self-imposed limitations to God when God informed him that he had been divinely assigned the task of bringing the people of Israel out of Egypt. There was definitely no justification for Moses’ self-imposed limitations. He was schooled in all the wisdom of Egypt and was also described as powerful in speech and action. Yet when it came time to fulfill purpose, he complained about who he was to stand before Pharaoh and that he was slow of speech. Please read Acts Chapter 7 verse 22. Why? Because he had suffered rejection at the hands of his own people who he attempted to help. If his own people rejected him; how much more would Pharaoh and his court; and how was he to return to the same people who rejected him in the past? Had their feelings about him changed? And how would Pharaoh and his court receive him considering that he was wanted for murder in Egypt? However, despite these self-doubts, God was with Moses and because God was with him; he was not only able to stand before Pharaoh, he also went to his people and communicated God’s intention to liberate His people from slavery and captivity in Egypt.

Beloved, do not permit self-imposed limitations on yourself on account of whatever negative experiences you had in the past. The same Moses who was rejected by his own people led the same people out of Egypt after standing before Pharaoh and his court. Therefore, do away with self-imposed limitations. You do not need them.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Invest in Value

                                          Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Value is the intrinsic worth of a person, an object, a place; a unique attribute which sets the person, the family, object or place apart from other people, objects and places.  When you understand value and invest in value, the full dividends of value accrue to you without you even requesting for the dividends.

King Solomon for instance truly understood the value of an intimate and fervent relationship with God that would foster his total dependence on God. So he worshiped God with all his heart as instructed by his father, David. Please read 1st Chronicles Chapter 28 and 2nd Chronicles Chapter 1. Solomon was subsequently blessed by God with divine wisdom which placed him several steps ahead of his contemporaries. Significantly, that great wisdom also translated into great and abundant wealth.

King David not only loved and feared God; he also invested in a personal relationship with God because he understood the value of an intimate and fervent relationship with God. Please read Psalms 16 verse 7, 27 verse 4 and 25 verses 12 to 14.

David chose God above silver and gold and God rewarded him with abundant blessings. He had many children, great wealth and ruled Israel for a long time; won several wars without being hurt; survived several evil plots and attempts against his life simply because he understood the value of an intrinsic relationship with God.

Give Yourself Mileage

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Seest thou a man diligent in his work, he shall stand before kings and not mean men – Proverbs Chapter 22 verse 29.

Ideally, everyone’s divine gift should create room for greatness and abundance for him or her if deployed in the right environment and before the right persons who would give the person mileage.

Therefore, always ask yourself if a relationship, task or utterance would take you to the divine purpose and plans of God for your life before investing quality time and resources in such relationships, task and utterances.

David was a skilful musician yet he did not play just before anybody. He played musical instruments before Saul and made the King happy. Though Saul became envious and attempted to kill David while he was playing the instrument for him; the point being made is that David played before kings and not insignificant people who would not give him mileage.

David also took on Goliath not only to deal with Goliath for insulting the army of God but also for the attendant benefits. Please read 1st Samuel Chapter 17. David did not challenge a mere street fighter, an inconsequential person to a street fight. It was a fight for national honors on both sides where the winner was to become a national hero, as well as a beneficiary of many things from the King including becoming a son in-law of the King. Fortunately, David won the fight against Goliath and earned great mileage – a national hero as well as many other perks.

Joseph interpreted the dreams of the servants of Pharaoh but was also careful to remind the butler to remember him and recommend him to Pharaoh. Though the butler forgot, he was forced to remember Joseph when the divine opportunity and timing for Joseph to be celebrated came. Please read Genesis Chapters 41 for details.