Friday, March 13, 2020

Do not Keep Your Life on Hold 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

This brings to mind what I have observed over time. And I am sure you have also done same. It is that certain people in certain environments choose to stay stuck within the rot and limitations of the environment because nothing, no one challenges them to break free of the rot and limitations of the environment. About everyone in such environments are dirt poor; live off bins and the generosity of other people; drug use is rife and high; prostitution and teenage pregnancy is the order of the day; refusal to excel is an accepted norm and way of life and any attempt by anyone or group of persons to excel is always fiercely resisted because the environment and nurture has conditioned them to hate and reject excellence in any form. It usually takes only extravagant grace to bring such people out of such environments where the blame game is the order of the day. They blame about everything on the government, members of their families, Churches, neighbours and what have you when in reality they should be blaming themselves for their inability to take positive life transforming decisions and actions to move their lives forward.

The very lazy man who refused to work in Proverbs Chapter 22 verse 13 kept giving excuses that there were lions in the street. The question that begs to be answered is how come the so called lions prowling the streets did not eat up the other diligent people going about their daily tasks and who also walked on the streets where the lions prowled?

Beloved, do not wait for other people to do for you what you can do and should do for yourself. Do not live a life of making excuses or blaming people and circumstances for your failures and misfortunes.

Through procrastination – deferring what should be done now to tomorrow which never comes. A classic example is the young man described as devoid of understanding in Proverbs Chapter 24 verses 30 to 34. A great lover of sleep, extremely lazy; he kept postponing when he should show up at work in his vineyard; opting instead to sleep the sleep which his body did not require. Please see also Proverbs Chapters 6 verses 6 to 11 and 20 verse 13.

Through refusal to till your ground while you pay unnecessary attention to the grounds of other people. This is to say that you deliberately choose to till the grounds of other people while deferring the tilling of your own ground to when you are done with the tilling of the grounds of other people. Say who would want you released from tilling their grounds to till your own ground when they discover that you are very useful to them?

Issachar chose to till the grounds of other people and became enslaved. Circumstances forced Jacob to work the grounds of his uncle and father in-law, Laban. Laban wanted to ensure that Jacob’s borders did not exceed the confines of the Laban dynasty so that Jacob would continue to serve Laban and his children forever. Jacob though did not keep his life on hold in the process.  Fortunately, Jacob was smart enough to plan his exit strategy.

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